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Puppies will be puppies


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I know that Puppies will be puppies and biting comes with the territory a bit, But what can I do to help curve how long my Britany Spaniel Bites. He is an ankle biter and loves to harass my daughter....

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I had the exact same question a few months ago. My griffon is now 5 months old and is much better about chewing / biting on hands and ankles. I found there was no simple answer. It was constant correction and giving him something else to chew on. I found that it only made the issue worse if I tried to keep him away from the boys. The more he was around them and corrected for inappropriate behaivor, the better it got. Now I just need to figure out how to keep him from knocking the boys over in the yard. It is not that he jumps on them, he just dumps them and over they go (especially the 1 year old).

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Ya, it seems they know just how to hit'em so they topple over.

My pup is 13 weeks old and she's a biting and chewing machine. My wife refers to her as her "little snapping turtle". Our living room looks like a puppy play room. We have at least a half dozen toys and chew things laying around.

Like 2 DA GILS said, it's important to be consistant, We give a firm NO and then give her a toy/bone to chew on. She usually plops right down and chews away.

Good luck and have fun.

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