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Works great for my S/H as well, just be sure to spend the doe and get the real thing. I tried the cheap one at first to save money - NO GOOD! Put in "Invisible Fence" and your worries are gone, I had a question for them and they were out the next day to train both me and my dog agian at no extra charge.

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Yep, I have one for my lab. I have a Pet Safe one. I have had zero problems with it. The receiver is nice and small for the dog and the batteries for it can be found anywhere. I am guessing that I change the batteries every 8 months or so and they are inexpensive. Battery changes also depends on how much the dog tests the boundries. I ran a thicker gauge wire than what would normally come with it and I let it lay on top of the ground in the woods(leaves have it covered up now) and only buried it in the front yard.


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