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Should I be concerned


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Just keep an eye on her for now. Also inspect her feces to make sure the plastic is passed. If she quits eating or exhibits some pain or tenderness in her abdomen or other uncharacteristic behavior take her in.

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Scroll down a bit and you'll see the post about my dog eating a plastic peanut butter jar! The advise I got from the vet was: Watch for vomit- if the pastic obstructs the intestines, this will happen. Fever- (I have no clue how to tell if a dog has a fever or not). You will want to call the vet if these things occur.

Good Luck

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I actually refered to that exact post last night when my wife asked, "Isn't she (dog) going to die"? I told her about the long topic about things dogs have ate including a whole peanut butter jar! Magie (dog) took the plastic down in less than a second. When I opened her mouth all that was left was top the tater. As long as it went down I wasn't concerned about it gettting lodged in her throat. I will keep an eye on her and make sure it comes out.


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My neighbors dog, a little cocker, just ate half of a towel last week and is still on the mend. Most things will go though but just keep an eye on things. My dog has had more rainbow colored lawn sausages from eating my kids toys than I care to talk about. The latest episode was the felt cover of a tennis ball. When it comes to eating stuff I think dogs are like billy goats. They'll eat anything.


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