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Are the pups eating any dog food yet? Hope so. If not the easiest way to get them on food is to fill your blender with the dry stuff and then water log it until it is soft. Then add the milk replacer powder to it and more water to a nice slop. Put that down in pie tins in from of the little ones and they will slurp it up in no time flat. As they get older reduce then eliminate the replacer and cut back on the water until they are on dry food at about 6 weeks.

As to the mom. The easiest way I have found to dry them up is to hold back 100% of ALL food and water for 24 hours. Then start her back with maybe 1 cup of food and about 2 cups of water the next day. Then give her about 1/2 the normal amount of food with free choice water the next day and the third day out return to normal food and water offerings. Works well for me for many litters.

Good luck and make sure to take lots of pictures.

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THANKS A LOT! I have been waterlogging the puppies food. It is so funny to watch them all eat. I usually use a large caserole pan, and watchign all 8 drink and climb and walk through the food is really a great site. It is a mess but I think it is time for the little things to stop sucking from their mother. The mother is starting to get bite marks from their little "SHARP" teeth. But thanks for info Scoot

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I'm in the exact same boat, my pups are 5 weeks right now. I started cutting her food back when the pups started eating mush. Right now she is 99% done with them. It is amazing to watch the natural "detatchment" from the pups. When we go outside she still plays with them but inside the house, she might just peek and check on them 4-5 times a day. She is done weaning and is starting to go back to normal. If you do any training and she is still a little droopy, I would use on of those chest protectors as she will probably be a little sensitive down there. Good luck with the pups, it sure is fun isn't it.

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