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Pretty sure my dog ate a......


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No joke, and I a freaking out a bit. I am worried that she will have problems passing it through..

Friday night my 8 month old lab knocked the garbage over an made a big mess. My wife mentioned that night that the dog was chewing on a peanut butter jar in her kennel. I was not too concerned.. well, the next morning there was no jar to be found, just the lid!

I called the vet and he advised me to watch her close for the next few days. So, she will be spending all of her time locked up for awhile so I can see what she is passing through her. On the bright side...she had one helluva nice looking [PoorWordUsage] this morning! So that is a plus.

Anyone experience somthing like this?

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Make sure it all comes out... That amount of chewed up plastic can wreak havoc on her insides. Watch for a fever too, and/or her going off her feed. If she's eating, drinking and stooling normal, you are probably O.K. Maybe she chewed it up enough so it'll be itty bitty pieces coming out.

Good luck!


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My female shorthair (nickname, "Billygoat") has done the same thing. All that was left was half the lid and a real nice peanut butter stain on the carpet. When she did it she apparently chewed the plastic up very well because I never found a piece larger than maybe a pea after following her around for a couple of days. Keep a close eye on her behavior and if she starts acting lathargic or shows other signs of being sick bring her in and I would ask the vet for an x-ray. Not only can the plastic possibly cut up her digestive track it could also potentially cause a blockage. I've been through this MANY times with our female (we have two young boys who like to leave things on the counter) and have yet to need any medical treatment. She has actually wore down her front row of teeth to nubs from chewing up plastic jars, tin cans, spatulas, etc....

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Yep, I am watching her like a hawk. She is acting normal. She eats and drinks normal. Runs around etc...

I wonder how long it would take to completely pass through her?

The worst part of this whole thing is the fact that I am partly responsible. I should have went out and taken it away. I never would have thought that she would eat the darn thing confused.gif

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Is there anyone in the Madison area selling any lab puppies? I'd like a black female. I had to put my female down here a couple weeks ago. She was 14.5 years. Tough deal!!! Also my 6 year old male is going blind. I'm having all kinds of luck with my dogs right now. So I'd like another before Radar gets to blind he can't play with a pup. Thanks


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My Weimaraner has just chewed TWO different colors off of my Labs neck while I'm gone during work. She chews right through the douple band. TWO! I didn't realize where the first one went until the second one was gone too. Then I bought my Lab a new on, put it on to take the both of them for a walk and the Weim went right at the color for my Lab again. Needless to say the Lab goes colarless in the kennel with the Weim.

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Feed her bread soaked in caster oil until her coat is oily. This will help her pass the plastic peaces. I had shih tzu swallowed a hole chicken leg, and that's what the vet told me. He passed it in about 2 days.

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Thanks for the replies everyone- I think she is going to be okay. It has been 3 days since, and I have evidence that she has passed it through. (I did a little forensic science work- discusting, I know, but hey I was worried!)

Anyways F4F- Hey buddy! I do know a guy that has great labs at a decent price. I have a buddy that has a great dog from his kennel. What is your email? I will send you his info.

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Rost...just talked to the Mrs. that works as a Vet. Tech. as was mentioned above, just keep an eye on her. If she continues to eat normally then I wouldn't worry about it. If she stops doing normal activities then get her in right away.


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