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GSP Pup with very dry nose


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Is it normal for a GSP (13 weeks) to have a very dry nose....the vet said to keep and eye on it, but didn't seem to concerned, but it is still worrying me. It just doesn't seem normal. Anybody else have this problem or know of anything I should do?

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I had a shorthair whose nose was always dry, and at times, flaking. Vet just told me to rub some vaseline on it when it got real bad. Worked like a charm, although he would lick most of it off.

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I wouldn't worry about it either. Mine had a dry nose for a short period of time when she was a pup. It was a phase - she grew out of it. I would be concerned if it really started peeling and/or became infected or something - but if it's just dry I wouldn't worry.

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