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Fat Lab


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Has anyone tried those special dietary foods for there older neutered labs. Mine is getting fat. of course it does not help all my neighbors like to feed him cause he is so (Contact US Regarding This Word) cute.

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I have a nine year old neutered lab, in the off season he always eats "lite" food. I went back to Nutro two months ago, Nutro Lite, and he has lost about 6 pounds so far. The best thing is it has restored his coat to being truly awesome. Before it was dull. I used to work for a company that sold a variety of dairy, fats, proteins and other products to dog food manufacturers. Most of the guys there fed Nutro because they truly new the products that were being sold to the manufacturers. Everyone has their favorites though, the Nutro is pretty spendy, I think about $30-35 per 40# bag.

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What are you feeding him now and are you following the guidelines for his size/age on the bag? My 10 1/2 year old has never looked more lean and mean and he stays on high protein high fat food all the time. I just adjust the quantity when he gets fatter or skinnier...

I tried a lower fat food one year and let him eat quite a bit more and that made him fatter. I just keep him on the good stuff and never mess around with it anymore.

Another couple big factors of course are activity and whether or not he's an inside or outside dog. Outside dogs burn a lot of fat just staying warm so they don't tend to get as fat/lazy over the winter...

I've not tried any of the Sr. foods although I do give him a Science Diet Senior Treat every morning along with his Pet Tabs Plus vitamin.

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