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Warning...lots of questions ahead!!!


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I'm in the process of purchasing my first house...shortly after that I will be purchasing my first real hunting companion. This is several months away. I am already impressed with the wealth of knowlegde unselfeshly givin in these posts. I'm putting everyone who reads these threads that you will be seeing my name fairly often as I'm going to be asking alot of questions. Obviously I'll be researching via books and the web, but talking to people with actual experience is hard to beat. I have a pretty good understanding of dog training..but not hunting dogs, I've decoyed and helped train a few personal protection dogs. Lots of obedience...but I was the helper not the trainer. So with that said...you've all been warned, just tell me to shut it if I get too annoying. Now I have to make up my mind on a breed. Yikes.

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I feel confident speaking for everyone here when I say, ask away. There are many knowledgable people here that are more than willing to help you in any way we can. We may not have all the answers, but most of the time we can make it sound like we do. grin.gif

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Just keep in mind that obedience thought. If you've done your homework on the litter, the hunting instinct is already there. The obedience is the unnatural part to the dog. Too many owners spend their limited time chucking a bumper 30 yards into the patch of weeds for fido and think that makes it a superstar. Spend that same time on obedience and you'll have a hound better than 7 out of 10.

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Fire away. And remember the only dumb question is the one that doesn't get asked. Also keep in mind that there is no single way to train a dog. There are several methods which are effective. Keep this in mind and analyze which training tips may work best for your dog and for you.

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Ironman - congratulations on your decision to acquire a new hunting companion. Don't worry about the questions...every one here seemed to get through all my questions the past year without too much mental or emotional damage. You have come to a good spot that's teaming with a lot of good folks who will offer up a wealth of valuable field tested, tried and true information. New dog owner training questions always help to keep everyone on their toes...lest we all forget what we learned when ours were pups not too long ago!

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