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Dennis Anderson's labs


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Does anyone have any info or recommendations on Dennis Anderson's British labs? I have a golden ret. and a lab and will need a pup in the near future (a year or so) due to the age of my present dynamic duo. I know someone who has two of these dogs but believe it or not he does not hunt them. Anyone have any thoughts or experiences. My main concern is the dog having an excellent nose for upland game, I feel comfortable with the retrieving of many dogs trained properly.

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Dennis did a seminar at the Sportsman's show last spring. I'm sure he will be back at the show this year too. He had video of the type of hunting done in Europe and it was quite a bit different. The British labs are supposed to be very athletic and have great dispositions. If you want a hard charging dog, I heard the Candlewoods lines are great.

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thanks for the reply snag, I'll see if he's talking this year. I presently have a "hard charging" dog and he's the best hunting dog I've ever had. The other 99% of the year he is kind of a pain in the rear. I'm a golden retriever guy at heart and so I'm used to that temperment (a dog that leans on you in the duck blind or always want affection). My lab now isn't overly friendly, except to me, and since 99% of the time spent with the dogs is not hunting I want a more mellow companion. I've had my ten years of hard charging that's why I'm starting an info search on brit labs. Thanks again.

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Can,t speak first hand on Dennis's labs but I do have a 10 month old British Lab, so I can give you an idea on the breed. I do subscribe to his BritishRetreivers program and newsletters and must say I have changed my outlook on training.

First the dogs, I was looking for the same type of dog that you want after the death this spring of my black lab. A good family dog, gentle, easy to train, but a good pheasant, grouse, and duck dog. Sounds like the perfect dog that we all wish we had. I stumbled onto the British lab through an ad and spent a few weeks researching the bred. I had never heard of a British Lab. Here are the highlights.

Smaller in size (about 3" in height, average weight 50-65lbs).

Good disposistion, eager to please, in my experience everyone in my family.

Strong dog, good swimmer, shiney more coarse hair, long tail, good nose, good retrieving instincts.

Most hip and eye problems are not present in the British lines.

My experience with the dog so far. It's a puppy, you live with all the puppy things, some chewing, needs walking or training most every day. I have to this point followed the "British way of training". These dogs come from a different breeding than their american cousins. This means NO e-collars, more lead work, and minimal retrieving work until about a year old. I have started some basic retrieving work.

At this point I have a well behaved, obedient dog. Heels, sits, stays, kennels, stays in his "place" when people come to the door, leaves things that fall on the floor when told to "leave it". Knows basic hand signs and whistle blasts.

Now I know this goes against most of dog training traditions, but I have decided to follow the British Way. I have been very satisfied with my choice, can't say I would have made a different decision. More money than I was interested in paying but I have a great family dog, that has all the signs of being a great hunting partner. Check out Dennis's web site on the British Lab, he has one of the most informative places on the web of this breed. Good luck with your choice. If you want to talk about my experience with the dogs e-mail me and we can arrange a phone visit.


[email protected]

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