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Thumbwarmer question


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I'm putting a thumbwarmer on my Kodiak. It already has handwarmers (dealer threw them in to seal the deal). Can i use the same switch and wire as the handwarmers? It would certainly make it easier to hook up...

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Just a quick question, what kind of thumbwarmer and handwarmers do you have? How do you like your handwarmers so far? What kind of settings do you have?? Low? High? Variable?...Someone said once that they have handwarmers that have a variable control for settings..does anyone know what brand these are??

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Sure you can do that no problem. I have mine hooked up that way. My handwarmers have a high and a low setting, so I hooked the thumb warmer to the switch, so the thumb warmer is only on when the bar warmers are on high.

Works for me........ smile.gif

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YES you can but watch out for to much heat on the thumb. I have had some experience with them tied in together and your hands are OK warm and your thumb is burning up. I believe this is due to the surface area difference that is being heated. More juice to heat the hands but you don't need as much for the thumb. I suggest to hook them up seperate.

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no, if your thumbwarmer has a resistance hookup with it, it will not get any warmer then it should. It is a 12v system and you can't get any more then the voltage that the warmer is rated for because the element has built in resistors and it is set for a certain output. It is fine to hook them both up to the power wire as long as you go from there to the warmers. the voltage will take the path of least resistance which would be the handwarmers because they have a higher rating. i think my handwarmers are 19.5 on high and 9.5 on low, how much are thumbwarmers rated for? I dont have any so i cannot tell you, is it on the package?

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