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As with any bait with a plastic tail they'll get ripped off every time a fish hits the bait. That can make them cost much more than your oringinal investment. Because of the long tail the action is more sutble than the Jerko, you work them with a slow pull instead of the normal jerk motion. I like them over weeds and shallow rocks in calm to moderate conditions. cool.gif

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Work mine MOST of the time just the oppsite of Terry.

Nasty, violent pulls, then long pause, then rip, smash, tear, rest, GOBBLE, BURP!


But then I'm a bit more unconventional than most and maybe thats why HE & I get along?

Depending on the contitions / time of year / water temps strengh in your shoulders?


You can adjust your offerings to taste and dish up a host of flavors.


Good luck finding one to your liking.

One heck of a tug bait.


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