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Lac des Mille Lacs

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Just wondering if anybody has fished Lac des Mille Lacs in Upsala,ON? Heard it was a pretty decent Walleye and Northern Lake and I am planning a trip up in late February. Wondering also if anyone has any experience with PINE POINT RESORT on the lake. Thanks in advance for any information. I've fished Whitefish lake in Nuolou,ON and Lake of the Woods and would love to share information on these lakes with you if you have any questions. Thanks again!

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Thanks for the votes of confidence and suggestions....Any other suggestions on suggested bait or techniques you guys did or did not have luck with?..Talking to the Pine Point Resort people it seemed like catching fish was a given up there which is more than I can say about alot of lakes that I have fished before.....Thanks again for the information in advance. The eyes you have caught in the past...do you have to sort through a lot of little buggers to get the occasional keeper or is this lake as great as alot of people have been saying? What is the downside to this lake?

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I would just like to say that my dad and I love Pine Point Resort! We went up in early August and had outstanding fishing right across from the point. Also the reefs in Bolton bay were good to us too. We used to go up 2 or 3 times per year, but then we stopped when I moved away for for a while, but now I think we will be back more often because the fishing is so good! The resort is very affordable, decent cabins, nice marina, big fish clean house, and close to excellent fishing. However, I have never been there during the winter, but I have heard it is a good place for walleyes through the ice. The only down side to the lake is deciding where to fish, because it all looks good!

Just a little side note...Pine point has some permanent trailers up there, and I was wondering if anybody knew of anyone that might have a place they wanted to sell up there. I would be very interested in some property on Lac Des Mille Lacs.



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Ice conditions for lac Des Mille Lacs is a foot of ice with slush then about a foot of snow.

I'm going again on Sunday and will report on how the fishing is. I'll be fishing off of Pine point and will let you all know how it was.

I only live an hour from the lake!

Roger Mayer.

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I just got back from Lac also. But we fished open bay. There was some slush but not to bad. Walleye were slugish but got a few.

We accessed the ice from Open Bay Lodge. Great people there! Having never been to that part of Lac the Family of the owners turned us in the right direction and helped us out.

It was nice to fish an area of Lac that was devoid of crowds.

Roger Mayer.

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