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Got folks by Rhinelander, bought a NR bow license and one bonus tag but haven't punched either yet. Who is going out for late bow or has been out? I'm hitting 40 acres starting Friday afternoon through Tuesday morning, finally have some snow. How have you done previous years during late bow? Have you seen late-rut activity in previous years? Best of luck to all.

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I will be out off and on, especially now that we got some good snow up here in the north. My past season for late season has been good. Like cooter stated, key in on food sources deer are using or you have known them to use in the past. Set up in-between a this known food source and a known bedding area and you should be good to go.

I personally think, there will be a good secondary rut this year, but even if there isnt, dont be afraid to use a estrous lure. A buck will investigate. Good luck, and give us some updates.

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I'm IN the boat...AND I'm fishin'! I've got stands along a ridge which borders a low depression to the west and a large oak flat to the east and points right toward a decent thicket. I was there Oct. 2 and 23-24 and had a few close calls but kept getting busted. This time, my arrows will be "just passin' thru".

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