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this stinks!!!!

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I just got word from out wonderful county that from jan11-feb11 I have jury duty.. now how does a guy get out of this situation? I am very *&#$% off about this... right durin the few tournaments that I am attending...... what to do.. what to do....

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When I have been selected for jury duty I called to ask if I could serve at a better time for me. They asked when and I told them when I was better able to serve on the jury. They said OK, and sent me a letter when I was able to do it. I was out of town at the time they wanted me to do it the first time.

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When they are deciding on or weeding out the pool of possible jury folk, tell them you watch "COPS" and all of the Court TV shows regularly, should get you off first round!


I sat on a jury and folk that did not get chosen were asked those questions.

Jim W

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I know bdr about the weekends but Iwas planning on leaving friday am for these events so I can at least find where I was going.. I am trying to find a good way out of it so I can use the vacation days this season

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