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Help on mock scrapes


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Can anyone help me? I have a good spot for my trail camra and i know the deer use the spot pretty often but i have NO clue on how to make a scrape. What do you use to scrape the ground? do you put doe scent in it? any tips would be helpful. thanks everyone.

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You'll want to find yourself a tree that has a branch that is low enough for a deer to rub it's forehead on. Then above that, you'll want to hang a drip bag. Find yourself a stick so you can scrape a 2x2 or 3x3 size patch RIGHT below the drip bag. Now scrape away twigs, leafs, etc. until you are right down to the dirt. Make sure to eliminate your scent

That should do the trick for you.

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If you don't want/have a drip bag (sometimes for me they seem to get in way of head rubbing) just spray some urine on the ground (A LOT) and use some forehead gland or other buck scent on the above limb. The deer should then visit that quite a bit. And you can freshen them up often, like when you check the camera.

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