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? About Roast?

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kkfisher, A family favorite of my wifes is to cook it in water in a crock pot on low for about 6 to 8 hours. When it's done, shred it, put it in a smaller crock pot with famous dave's original BBQ sauce, and let it cook into the meat for about an hour of so, and you have some great sandwiches. I use this for family get togethers and also football games.

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poke that beast with a knife, stick slivers of garlic in it, and throw it on the grill. Brown all sides.

Then into the crock pot, equal parts beer / ketsup to fill about half way.throw some onions and mushrooms in there at one point of another and your in business. about 6 hrs on low, take the roast out, cut, or shred it up, thicken up the gravy on the stove and put it all back into the crockpot to finish for about 30 minutes

You won't be disapointed!!! trust me wink.gif

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Here is one I have been using for a long time:

Take one venison roast and trim off fat, and place on a large sheet of tinfoil. I usually take 2 sheets about 24" long or so and roll the two long sides together to make one large square sheet that will hold liquid. Take one package of Lipton dry onion soup mix and crush it up a bit before opening and then open and spread over roast. Next slice one mid to large yellow onion and place slices over the top and along the sides of the roast. Pour one can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup over the top. Now seal the tinfoil up tightly. Bake in the oven at 400 for one hour, turn heat down to 300 and bake 2 more hours.


I'm sure you can do other things like use a roast bag or maybe they make extra wide tinfoil, but this is what I've always done. I place it in a roaster or some type of cheap cake pan in case it leaks.

Basically it is done after an hour at 400, but it will get more tender as you let it cook at 300. This year at deer camp we left it in for 5 hours because we were telling stories, it was excellent. Once I forgot about it and cooked it at 400 for 3.5 hours, was just fine there as well, I'm sure if I had a bad seal on the tinfoil that might have turned out different. My point is you have plenty of room for flexibility, do it all day in a crock pot if you like.

Make lots of potatoes, I don't usually eat gravy but the gravy this produces causes me to make an exception.

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This is one of many that I use and it can be used for beef, pork and venison.

Take the frozen roast out and unrap it. Place in roaster and put in 1 cup of water

Salt,pepper and any other seasoning that you like. I use some garlic salt and add some witchirsauce(sp) add what you want, I would say about 12 to 15 dashes. Cut up a med to large onion into slices about 1/4 inch thick and place on top, you can also place 5 or 6 strips of bacon on top. Cover your roaster and place in the oven for 3 hours on 350.

Oh! I also put some spuds in along with some carrets also.

Yes, that is right just put it in frozen and go from there. If it is a big roast you may want to cook it for 3 1/2 hours (Big as in over 4 pounds)

It will always turn out moist and tender!!

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Cut the roast into peice the size of a butterfly chop cut up an onion add what ever sauce you like, ive used anything from cream of mushroom soup to just plain worchester sauce. McCormiks makes a great grilling sauce that will give you a slightly sweet flavor i cant rember the name of it exactly , it was in a purple bottle. Then just wrap it in tinfoil and onto the grill or put it in a small casorole dish and into the oven on 300 for a few hours, the longer its in there the tenderer it will get.

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