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Dave Genz and I


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I went to Gander today and talked to Dave Genz and had a lot of questions answered. While looking at the fishy looking camera casing for the Aqua-vu's... I commmented that it needs a treble hook or two on it for when the northerns attack it.

He agreed.

Now, watch him take my idea and make millions for it!

Sure was a nice guy though. He told me a bunch of ways to save money rather than buying the stuff from the manufactureres.

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I gotta be honest the saving money part really catches my interest. I was planning on checking out the seminar at gander tonight since its just across town but I didnt make it over there. maybe you could let the money savers out of the bag. wink.gif

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Yeah, those are sweet looking. Too bad I can't afford anything with the car payments and higher auto insurance costs.

Well guys, he basically shared how he came up with these ideas for things that are now on the market. Then he told me how he made the prototypes. So if you have a question about some of the items... if I can remember what he told me, I'll let ya know what he said.

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