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30 day weather outlook ?


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Grandma used to wash my mouth out with soap when saying curse words as a child. frown.gif What's the matter with you? mad.gif

Day after Thanksgiving -20 degrees and stay that way til mid July. At a boy grin.gif Now that's my good boy. grin.gifgrin.gif

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As of now it looks like the best day of the week is on Turkey Day.

Before Thanksgiving and after it are cold days, with highs around freezing and lows in the single digits or teens. Now thats what I like to see! grin.gif

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Everyone: Looks like the flood gates that have been holding the cold air to the north have now been opened. Right now, it looks like a snow storm across portions of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin for Tuesday through Wedneday. The good news about this is there will be plenty of colder air filtering behind it. Great ice making weather!!! BTW, I am a weather forecaster so a little inside information never hurt anyone.

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