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Hot tip (cold tip)

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I drove by Georgetown Lake last Friday and the lake itself had maybe some skim ice on it but nothing to get excited about. The area South of the bridge had ice on it but I didn't stop to test it's thickness. If Georgetown is fishable it is probably that area South of the bridge and not the main body of the lake. In any event, enjoy the season and stay dry. <'))<

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Nice one FishVince01, tell everyone where we will be next sunday.

(just giving my kid a hard time!) He's my son.

Never been to Georgetown, whats it like up there? And the fish? Good spot on the lake to go? Ant tips? smirk.gif

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It is a fun place to fish, the action is usually very very fast with many small fish with a few nice ones in betweeen. I hate eating the fish out of there. For some reason they taste terrible. Most are you're still white meat stockers and that is most likely the reason.

Have fun either way its Ice fishing. Will be deer hunting for a week in Michigan and am ready for the freeze.

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Sorry i got on a little late tonight, but it was not too bad up there. There is 2 and 1/2 to 3 inches on half of the smaller lake at Georgetown. The edges are melting and refreezing but once you are on it is fishable. Did not go out too far. Just stayed in about 5 feet or so. Caught one little one (about 3 inches) and then just left him on for bait. Ha Ha. Anyway, did not get on the ice until about 11:00 or so. It is real milky in color but still chips up good when drilling your hole. Before that i had went up to the snake at Dillon. There is about 3 inches up there also and same conditions, but i think the ice at Georgetown feels a little safer then the Snake. There were 3 guys there when i arrived and together they had about 6 kokes on the ice, you know the size about 12 inches. Fish seemed to be in pretty good shape yet. Anyway Mikinaak there are many small fish to be had at Georgetown. Easy 30 to 60 a day with a few nice ones here and there. Which are usually some brooders that are put in there this time of year. Nothing like the one that the Icemaster had on a few thanksgivings ago though. But that is all i got to say and both places should be good to go on thanksgiving morning for the Icemaster and I. Maybe we'll see you out there. Until then stay dry!!!

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My son and me will be headed for larger fish somewhere else Sunday morning, thanks for everyone's input. Paul

Sorry didn't report this earlier. Still geting the hang of this.

We ended up fishing here (at Georgetown) 2-3" of ice. Got there late and kept 6 fish (threw back small ones), we fished in 8' of water. It was pretty clear water.

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