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Crop report

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With the Iowa deer season coming. I was wondering if most of the corn crop is out of the field yet? I will be down for the 1st season of stotgun. I will be in the SW part of the state by Atlantic.

Thanks for any replies

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It is getting very close. Talked with my cousin last night. He said there is a big boy hanging around on his property. He also told me the rutt ended about 10 days ago. Anybody else notice the rut in your area.

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2 weeks ago it was almost tropical now it's cooling down nicely and hopefuly pushing those deer closer to the trees. I go up to Northwest/central Iowa around Gilmore City for second shotgun season. My brother-in-law and I are really looking forward to it as well. I finally talked Dad into going again as well. We always use to go together and then missed a few years when I was in wrestling. We don't see many big ones but we like getting our 'Jerky deer' for the year. That stuff is an awsome snack for ice fishing.

Be orange, be safe and good luck to all of you.

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How did you 1st season guys do? Did the warm weather put everything in the middle of the sections? This weekend needs to get cold fast or I might have to eat home raised beef all year, that is so rough wink.gif

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I saw about 180 deer in 3 days of hunting. 2 of them being the biggest bucks I have ever seen while hunting. I blew it. I missed a 80 yard shot at a huge buck. I saw at least 12 points on him. I only had the neck to shot at. The doe he was with busted me. The doe was in the middle of us.

The deer seemed to be moving the most around 9 AM and 4PM.

I'll try to be back next year!

Good Luck to the rest of you.

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