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Would appreciate any towing experience or differences with such a design.

Are they more areo dynamic in pulling and of great notice ?

I have a flat front with a higher center pitch, but can still under certain curcumstances feel the bucking ...

Maybe considering a V-Front next time around or a tappered front style..

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I'm sure the topper does help, My Tahoe sits rather high and only the "peak" of my house is exposed above the vehicle which is about 2 square feet of surface I'm guessing..

I've always been curious as to V Fronts in a side wind if the two created surfaces of the V front actually are no different than a flat front with a direct hit on either side !!

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Tightlines I agree with the storage option with a V Front.

Brother knows a guy in North Dakota with one who had a auger stand on the wall in one side with a tip-up rack on the door and all kind of goodies like buckets, straps, shovels and stuff inside.

The other side he had subdivided in to two sections with dual 30# propane tanks stacked in one half and batteries in the other half with a 12V fan pulling heat into the compartment from the house. Pretty neat set up I thought !!

Both sides of the nose had RV lights in the ceiling for nice lighting.

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My impression of V-front houses has been that the atwood style heaters are part of the reason for creating something like that up front of the fish houses. I don't buy the better towing argument because if it happens to be a little gusty out all that surface area catching cross wind traveling down the highway will eat up just as much gas. I agree that the topper helps considerably as well when towing. In their defense the V-front shelters do make use of available space along the hitch tongue. Just my opinion though, never towed one to find out. Troy Bartlett

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