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Advice, helpful hints, and wisdom for fish house


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My partner and I bought a wheeled sleeper fish house and I've never had a house before.We are going to leave it at LOW for the winter. Being that we've never had to manage a house through a winter before, I was wondering what kind of advice, helpful hints and wisdom you all could give us.


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I agree with Polar Bear about the idiots of such habits!!

My old man saw a gadget on Best Dam Sports Show called a "Bumper Dumper" and bought one himself. lol

Fits into your receiver on truck and has a 5 gallon bucket (or free bag) option that is secured to a toilet seat. You just sit and S*** !!

I took that concept myself and mounted a $5.00 padded toilet seat on a 5 gallon paint bucket... Either set the bucket in a undrilled hole in the house for use and let it freeze in heavy duty toilet bag with chemical treatment added for RV toilets, or don't let it freeze and discard in toilet at home...

It's not a big deal to carry a sealed bucket and heavy duty bags inside it for long stays and toilet needs is it ??

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That worked great for us on red last year. BLock your house when ever you can and remove the big snobanks and drifts that form around your house, it will help prevent flooding. Put buckets down the house hole, to prevent alot of excess draft plus you will keep your holes open easier too. I will think of some more in stand this evening I am sure.

Best Fishes


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Be prepared for anything remember you are a long way from home. A few things that have happened to me. Padlock froze, need a torch. Fishhouse froze in, need a strong jack and you can never have to much blocking. People are not as honest as you they will break in. A house on wheels is an invatation to be stolen, remove a wheel or something to slow the thief down. Plenty of reflectors, the resort changes the roads all the time and its tough to find one in the dark. Extremely cold will your vehicle start. You may get snowed in an extra 20 lb tank will get you through another day. Theirs probably more. Enjoy

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