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Since the opener, [MN] Ive been out a total of three hrs. Opening day I hunted the last 2 hrs and had 2 hen flushes and 1 rooster flushed, shot , and retrieved. Sunday morning I went to the same spot and there were guys all over. Many showed up a little past 9. I cant stand hunting with a crowd like that, so at 10 I was done. Havent been out since. The fishing is improving and Ive been taking advantage of it. When my dog is watching me load up the poles he goes to where all the hunting coats are hung, growls and spin circles. He knows its time to hunt, and the season is short. I feel like Im letting him down. I just dont have the itch, something must be wrong with me. I plan on getting out next week, I have all week off work. If anyone wants to get out leave a post here. Thanks, Rookie.

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I feel the exact same way about my dog. That's the only reason I consider game farms. I can't stand the thought of not getting her out and on birds occasionally. I can recommend a nice one by Glenwood City Wi. It's a little drive but very realistic and low key. The owners are local farmers and very nice folks. It's a great gift for your dog and the birds are tasty.

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J Rookie..

I'd be willing to get together for a hunt after the Firearm season. I don't know what your schedule is like but maybe we can coordinate something. I myself have noone to go with. My girlfriend would love to go but she is pregnant and isn't up or able to rough it. So I have been going solo...it's kinda boring but very rewarding.

P.S. I hunted with you on October 2nd at the game farm. Tim

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Sounds good Tim, I dont know what my schedule will be like when I get back to work. But Ill make time, might have to take a trip to the game farm. There is one down by Lake City that has really nice birds, and cheap. 11 dollars per bird, my partner does taxidermy on the side and the 2 birds this guy brought in are the most beautiful roosters he has ever seen. Id like to check it out some time. Leave a post and I will respond. Thanks, Rookie.

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