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When to spade?


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I have a 6 month old female choc. lab. I have heard two different times when to get her spade. Some say it is better to do it after she goes in heat, then the vet told me it is better to get it done before she goes in heat for the first time. he said that after she goes in heat, things get a little more complicated down there and it can be more difficult. When have you guys gotten it done? I am not sure which way to go on this one. Any ideas would be appreciated.



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The general rule is to spay (not spade) your dog before she comes into season the first time. This will reduce it's likelihood of getting certain types of cancer later on in it's life. If you wait until after she comes into season then the percentages go up as far as the chances of the dog getting cancer and other diseases goes. There is an old myth that you should wait until after the dog comes into season to spay her as this will make her a better hunter. That is a bunch of absolute garbage IMHO. If you have no intention of breeding your dog then get her spayed.


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As GSPMAN states, do it before her first cycle. most times they will be 7-8months old. I really do not know how the myth started about waiting till after their 1st cycle... I've heard about the better hunter deal, I've heard it helps their hormones, I've heard they listen better etc.etc., it is all a bunch of B.S. It is better for the dog's health in the long run to do it before their 1st cycle.

As a rule... always go with your vet's advise... that is what he is there for and been trained for... old myths die hard and are perpetuated by the un-knowing.

Good Luck!


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Thanks, I think I am going to get it done ASAP. One more question, how long after the surgery will she have to be down. We are planning one more trip out to SODAK over Thanksgiving, the surgery is planned for Nov. 10. That gives her a little over 2 weeks of down time. Is that enough?


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2 weeks is pushing it. See a recent post I made concerning getting my choc. lab spade last month. It took 3 weeks working with a poor clinic to figure out what we did wrong.

What to do when you bring her home:

1.) Leave her in her crate or a very confined area for at least a week except for potty breaks. Yep, it will suck but it is in her best interest.

2.) Only take her outside to do her business then back in for some quality crate time for 2 weeks.

3.) Watch the incision for 'sagging skin'. If that happens it is retaining fluid and needs to be drained or she'll get a nice infection.

4.) After 2 weeks the vet should remove the stitches but keep her on a leash for the next week when you go out for a walk.

If you confine her so her incision heals you will thank yourself in the end. It took us 3 weeks and 2 extra trips to the vet to get her incision drained twice and a dose of antibiotic. We jumped the gun on advice from the vet and were taking her for 'leash walks' around the yard/block to get her outside - big mistake.

Oh, and I'm shopping for a new clinic in the Shakopee area if anyone has a suggestion.

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Big wegs... re-schedule it for after Thanksgiving. Best of both worlds, she gets to hunt and will get plenty of healing time afterwards. I wouldn't count on 2 weeks being enough...

Wormfood, try Dr. Fran Smith at Smith Veterinary clinic in Burnsville, she is a Lab breeder, trainer and all around officienado!

Good Luck!


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Like the other guys say, do it soon. My GSP is about 5 1/2 months and my vet is pushing me to do it now. I'm electing to wait about 6 wks. I'll be about to get her out in the field a lot in the 6 wks and I'm not cutting it close to her first cycle.

She wouldn't come into heat until January.

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