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New years fishing resoloutions


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I find myself being like many folks in that I tend to gravitate to areas I have fished and had success on over and over again. Now I do a fair amount of what I call "prospecting" each season which leads me to other reliable fishy areas to work on my local lakes but this year I resolve to look at a bigger picture and try to piece together why I find fish in an area. I was looking over Matt Johonsons excellent structure breakdown thread the other day and I decided that I am going to try 4 new lakes by picking spots and prefishing from my couch and computer before I ever hit the water and really try to breakdown where the fish might be and areas that I might intercept them. This has worked for me in the past on my home water but now I am going to go out and search new waters that I haven't fished before. The other element is that I am looking for those overlooked, underfished spots that don't have a crowd of houses over them. How about you folks, any new fishing resoloutions for the new year?


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