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Marcum camera wont turn on


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Went out fishing today and was going to put the camera down. Pushed the power button and it would turn on. Looked at the battery and the battery leads were on the wrong terminal. Black to red and red to black. Just wondering if it would fry something inside. The fuse was still good on the red lead. Any help would be great. Thanks

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I've seen handheld lowrance GPS of mine become fried via a simple reverst-polarity connection, so it wouldn't completely surprise me if you hosed something up in there.

I don't see why all vendors can't throw a simple reverse polarity protection circuit in these expensive devices.

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Yeah all they'd really need to do is put a cheap diode on one of the leads. It should protect everything.

I fried a camcorder once because the leads coming from the cigarette lighter were reversed. That was an expensive lesson.

Sorry that I can't help you though. My only advice is to try a different battery to be sure that isn't the problem

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