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lowrance elite 5 for ice fishing


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i just got this not to long ago and i have had it out 3 times now

and i gotta say so far this thing is a pain in the butt

the first 2 times out i only got about 20 min of use out of it due to a junk batt so i got a differnt batt for it and had it out sat night

well i got the batt thing figured out but i cant get this to work worth a darn

i put it on ice fishing mode and on the flasher and it seems to pick up some things but it wont pick up my bait i have tryed everything i tryed the manual settings still nothing and when i swtich to a differnt hole it wont pick up the depth it will but i gotta play around with it

dunking it in and out of the hole letting it site for awhile sometimes worked i know this isnt a flasher i have had a vex and i still have a hummingbird so i know how to use flashers they pick up depth right away

this thing so far seems like a big wast of money but befor i give up on this thing what r somethings i can do? maybe this unit is junk? maybe someone has had this issue or knows more about this?

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Not sure about the flasher mode problems but I have the x67c and use it in the graph mode exclusively and love the way it works. Once you get it dialed in it tells you things you can't see on a flasher and you have the history part that lets you chart your presentation and see how the fish react to it.

I have a dual beam showdown 5.6 that has been used 3 times that I am thinking of selling for an elite 5 to get the bigger screen. If you decide to get rid of it let me know.

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I've been using an elite 5 combo for just over a year. I had some second thoughts at first too. What I found is it seemed to want to jump in auto depth mode. So I used the manual depth select. ie 10' 20' ect... Also I don't use the bottom track mode. I use the white back round. Last thing I found works real well is the amplitude scope. Thats the real time vertical echo readout on the right of the screen. And sometime I will set it to split zoom.

if your not seeing your jig or bait, you may need to turn up your sensitivity setting?

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