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Just got back from an awesome trip to LOTW. Excellent father and son trip for 3 of us dads. We used Lake of the Woods Outdoorsman and JP was extremely friendly and he has brand new sleeper houses that were very comfortable. I will definitely use him again. Wed afternoon to Friday morning we caught over 50 fish. We were in 25ft of water and the hot lure was "The Charmer" in pink and gold. Sounds like the hoses are going to be moved out to 30ft of water as the fish move deeper and ice gets thicker. Dads and moms get your sons and daughters up there and you wont be disappointed. JP will take care of everything for you. My 14 yr old son is hooked. Look for Braeden on the Extreme Outdoors Next Gen forum and kids get on there and share your experiences.




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It was a great time.

After taking my son out and watching Randy and Brian with their sons...you gotta get out and do it. True bonding!! These boys will remember this trip for the rest of their lives.

Get out fishing with your sons and daughters. Better yet take a special trip for them.

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