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Xcel Energy???


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So Xcel energy has been pushing for everyone to use the new CFL bulbs and High efficiency appliances (TV,Furnaces,Dryers,Stoves,Refrigerators) and so on now they are complaining that they need to raise rates because there is less energy being used so they need to raise the rates by 9% sounds kind of Fishy to me. You ask us to use less but now you make less so you need to implement a increase . This is a load of dump

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A majority of the request is related to infrastructure investments, including several projects to sustain and improve the reliability of the regional transmission system and projects at Xcel Energy’s two nuclear power plants. The remaining costs are due to business trends and ensure compliance with regulatory measures.

Where does it say it is because they are making less money caused by being green?? The cost of everything is going up. The cost of keeping all of their power plants up and running is going up. The cost to keep power supplied to everyone is increasing. Have you seen that new power line that was installed along I-94? That is the CAPX2020 project, it is 700 miles long and will cost 1.7 BILLION when complete. There are many other projects going on right now that will cost plenty of money also. That all has to be payed for somehow. Heck, even their Sherco power plant in Elk River had an issue last spring that it sustained major damage and last I heard it may still be off-line, fixing that has to be payed for somehow. The cost of keeping power hungry Americans powered up and connected to their 'necessities' is immense, and I'd be willing to bet even though everyone is going green they are generating as much or more power than they were 20 years ago. And I do know, during the summer their grid can get almost maxed out, that sure doesn't sound like going green is cutting down on energy being used!

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Similar to how the govt is pushing for more fuel efficient vehicles and now they are looking at changing from per gallon tax to per mile tax, because they aren't getting enough money with the increased efficiencies.

The problem here is hybrid and electric vehicles. When driving on the road using the electric power you are not paying for the road, but that is another subject.

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The problem here is hybrid and electric vehicles. When driving on the road using the electric power you are not paying for the road, but that is another subject.

True that the plug ins aren't getting taxed for the roads, but they are pretty rare vehicles. The hybrids still use gas (although not much). The main factor is they keep increasing MPG requirements for regular vehicles, increasing the cost of building and buying the vehicles, and then at the end they are short money for roads. Creating the problem with their solution. In all reality, passenger vihicles cause little to no damage to roads, its big trucks and the weather that causes most of the damage. (And buses driving on shoulders that were never designed to carry them)

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You can thank your legislators for this increase--it will not be the last!!!

25% renewable by 2025, and another program called CIP--which is legislated to conserve power (If I remember 3% per year) all reduce power consumption, but they all cost money!!!

Everyone thinks the wind generators are a beautiful thing that saves money. Bottom line they cost companies like Excel a great amount of money due to the fact our "legislators" force the purchase of "green" power even if power companies can generate it cheaper--thus costing money and making companies like Excel raise their rates.It seems like they are regulated to cut their own throat!!

Wind power will not be cheaper until there are more transmission lines, and storage vehicles (batteries) to store the generated electricity until it is used. Enough of the rant--Bottom line--thank your local legislator--do not condemn Excel. No other business is mandated to cut the product they make (in this case electricity) and reduce their rates!! It seems to me, that they are regulated to cut their own throat!!

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