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Shimano rods


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I had one of the original crucial rods 7'6" MH that I used when flipping 1/2 to 3/4 oz jigs and it worked great. Well it busted and I sent it in for warranty replacement and they sent me back the new style crucial that you're describing and it's pretty worthless for heavier jigs. The blank has definately changed, and they tend to be lighter action than the old models.

They tranistioned to the new style crucial in the summer of 2011.

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I had one of the original crucial rods 7'6" MH that I used when flipping 1/2 to 3/4 oz jigs and it worked great. Well it busted and I sent it in for warranty replacement and they sent me back the new style crucial that you're describing and it's pretty worthless for heavier jigs. The blank has definately changed, and they tend to be lighter action than the old models.

They tranistioned to the new style crucial in the summer of 2011.

Hmm, I haven't tried the new style but I did like the older style Crucials. Do you think you would have been happier if you had gotten a Heavy action rod as opposed to a MH or was there something else that you didn't care for about the new blanks?

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The only one new for this year is the Cumara. I have not had one in hand yet, but they are rumored to be the S. Micro guides and the are using the Cumulus blanks from last year. There are no more Cumulus'.

As for the crucials from last year, they have changed compared to the old crucials. I would certainly pick one up and feel the action before you buy.

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Thats good to know, I used to have a 7'2'' MH Cumara and I loved the action. I might look at a 7'2'' H Crucial, hopefully its close to the the action of my old Cumara.

I noticed TW had some close out Cumaras for $99 and I almost wet myself....then I noticed they only had 2 models, neither of which I was really interested in

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