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Ion or Jiffy Pro4 and what is your personal experiences?


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I can only speak for the Pro4....love it. No gas to spill or leak in the truck, no carb to foul, quick easy starts every time. Yup, it's heavy, but I'm not so much of a run and gunner so it's not that big a deal for me. And it cuts just fine too.

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For me, the weight of the two is definitely the deciding factor. I like the idea of propane, but have heard numerous issues with not using the whole tank of propane when it is left in the cold. I also hate switching tanks on my Buddy heater. I could only imagine the possibility of cross threading and being stuck without an auger.

I'm thinking about going green this tournament season. I like the light weight the Ion brings to the table. I would ultimately like to put a 6" synthetic Strikemaster hand auger bit on the Ion. I am concerned about overall battery life though. How long will these batteries last? Will it last me a couple seasons? One season? With $150 for just the battery, I am on the fence.

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I have the Pro 4. Last season, I would have to say I drilled over 400 holes traveling around with no problems regardless of the weather. I keep the auger outside in the sled/truck, but always start with a tank kept warm. Weight isn't an issue with me.

Ion says 40 holes through 24" of ice on one charge. OK if that's all you drill in a day/weekend without charging.

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