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Getting started?

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I really would like to learn how to build my own fishing rods.

I've done a little research, but I would like to ask some of you folks that are really into this how should one get started in this hobby?

I looks like it can get spendy real fast. What's the best way to get going on a minimum budget?

A starter kit from Mud Hole? What about one of those racks you put the rods on to spin them and wrap the eyes and such?

Are there any good instructional videos out there you would recommend?

Classes available in the Duluth area?

Thanks for any help you can offer!

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Here is a link to a thread that shows what some people have done to help them make their rods. I have mine set-up in the basement and just added a good set of florescent 5000k lights over the work area. This is probably the most expensive addition to the area. The next most expensive addition after that is the set of handle reamers then followed by the dryer. Everything else is hand made or picked up as odds-n-ends that I thought would work.


There are several sites that have short videos on the various aspects to building custom rods. Just do a Google search and see what pops up. Some the larger catalogs and rod makes have helpful videos also.

My first experience was a some help I got from Thorne Bros. with a little one-on-one when I bought my first rod. Then some questions on various HSOforum and the rest is history. I'm now on my 10 rod this year and most are for other people.

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Way back when they first started the rod and lure building forum, there was a thread started where a lot of folks posted stuff they used.

1st if you are just starting out you can build a lot of simple stuff. Something to hold the blank while you put on guides etc can be make out of sturdy cardboard box. A cup to put the thread in and a couple books to run the thread through for tensions. You can turn the blank by hand until the thread epoxy thoroughly sets up, about 2 or so hours and you can just rotate the rod 180 degrees every few minutes. You can pack threads with your fingernail and burnish them with a bic pen. I used rat tail files for a long time before springing for handle reamers, takes a bit more time but works well with some patience.

I still don't have a power wrapper as I believe you can do a better job hand winding them, others may have a different opinion, but that is mine.

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