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Crawled into my stand this morningat 0630 and it was already 45 degrees out. Deer movement was null and void. By the time I crawled down it was nearin the 50 mark. Just to warm for the deer to have to get up and move around mid day. They can stay in their nice cozy beds, chew their cud an be happy, happy, happy!

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Now the wind is HOWLING, not bad for the weather change its bringing, but as far as bow hunting goes, kinda stinks.

I have a difficult time holding steady in 30mph winds.

Sounds like Saturday morning the winds should lay down a bit and the temps will be chilly, great deer movement day.

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yeah...hard to believe this was my view yesterday morning!


And today the wind almost blew off the road. Its okay though....bring on the cold weather. Come monday morning I will be sitting a stand with the smoke pole on Ripely waiting for a giant.

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