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Great Morning Yesterday


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I used my climber and set up a buck decoy yesterday a.m. in a fairly open woodlot. 7:45 a doe passed by 150 yds south of me heading east. 8:30 a fawn comes from the east and passes about 80 yds south quickly followed by a second fawn. A few seconds later an 8 pt buck comes along following the fawns. He comes by closer than the fawns but ignores my grunt call watches the fawns moving west and he slowly meanders back the way he came. A minute later he is back and very interested in the decoy. He eventually moves within 15 yds staring at the deke.


I decide to pass and he hung around about 10 minutes before he finally followed the fawns route to the west. 9:10 I see a doe feeding my way from the south. She is out 35 yds to the south slowly coming directly at me. I put the camera down and grab the bow. As I'm watching her I see another deer coming from the SW. It is a mature 7 pointer. He closes to about 60 yds watching the doe. The doe suddenly shoots forward and as she is about to shoot past me (between the decoy and my stand) she sees the decoy and hits the breaks. I decide to take her as she is standing broadside at 8 yds. Just as I was going to release she reverses course and heads to the south about 10 yds , stops and turns to look at the decoy again. I shoot and get a pass through and she wheels around heads north east down the hill past me. I quickly grab and knock another arrow. The buck takes off after her. She ran about 70 yds and stops. I grunt loudly at the buck and he stops broadside about 35 yds directly east of me. But of course he is behind a screen of brush. He then walks over to the doe in a thicker screen. I lose sight of the doe in the brush but I can see the buck moving every few minutes. He is still there 20 min later. 25 minutes pass and I see the buck as he moves a few feet to the north and he is staring at something for about a minute and then he walks off to the northeast. I waited until an hour passed got down and looked for blood. I didn't see any blood so I walked down the hill towards where I last saw the doe. I could see her white belly and she must have laid down as the buck had approached her. I think she expired shortly after she laid down. He stood watching her fort 25 minutes.

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