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Anyone else getting anxious?


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I am starting to get real anxious about next week getting here. Historically I have very few buck sightings where I hunt until late October and I hunt a very small parcel of land (5 acres). Because of this, I try not to over hunt the area during October so I've only had a few sits in the past 3 weeks and I'm starting to get real anxious.

I took advantage of the wet weather yesterday and checked out a usual scrape/rub area during the middle of the day and it was all torn up, which made me even more anxious! Thankfully I've had more than enough yard work to keep me occupied but it's time to get that wrapped up and focus solely on hunting.

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I hear ya, cant wait for this weekend to be over. With lots of people in the woods this weekend it will move some deer around but after that the bucks should really start to get moving around and leaving sign. The next two weeks (after this weekend)will be some good hunting!! We should get a few days of "the chase period" before the woods are disrupted on the 3rd. Great time to be a bowhunter.

I look forward to when the first weekend in November comes later then the 3rd though.

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I hear you. I am off work now until the 28th. The last 2 years I've shot a big 8 and big 10 on October 27th and 23rd. I have increased action on my cameras but its been young deer. I hope the 3 big guys I had on camera all summer start moving through again soon. I wish I could have got the week before gun opener off but our vacation is by seniority and I couldn't get it. So I usually have to settle for this week.

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HEading out right now, cold front with rain coming... never know! Got 6 deer on camera that I would shoot... motivation enough.

I think a week from now I should be wrapping up work for about 9 days!! Hope my wife doesn't leave me by the time Nov. gets here!!! cool

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