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Kato city hunt


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Not sure how many people on this site hunt kato, but for those of you that do, where the heck are all the deer!!?? Saturday, 12 hunters seen 3 deer. the 1st deer was shot sun evening by a buddy of mine. I know the goal of the city hunt is to shoot 30 deer, last year there was 21 (ish) deer shot. Why keep the limit at 5 deer per hunter?? i dont get it. lets hear some feedback.

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I don't hunt in the city hunt but I am just outside of city limits hunting private property just across from a city hunting spot. I have seen very few deer but have come across some. I know they are there I just think it is due to the lack of water that we aren't seeing them. The creek that goes through rasmusen woods is dry. I have noticed they are moving better and better as we approach the rut. Just have to be patient.

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I live just down the road from Rasmussen woods and we haven't seen anywhere near the numbers of deer we usually see. They are probably all hangin out at glen Taylor's house. I always seem to miss the tryout shoot so I haven't got to hunt in the city yet.

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I hunted on the 13 and 14 saw two deer on the 13th. Saw a doe in the morning 65 yards away and a small 6 point buck in the pm hunt. The buck was 65 yards away grunted him in but it dark when he walked through. I have hunted a total of 5 times and seen that same doe everytime but out of range every time. I am in the Rasmusen woods. Do any of you see a bunch of people??? I have had a group of kids playing ten yards away from my stand. They didn’t even know I was there. Had a husband and wife walking around the walked right up to my tree and then saw me, apologize and walk away. Is this normal or what??? (I am 40 yards off the trail.)

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I hunt the duluth and two harbors hunt. and i have had people walk that close to me only once. i try to use human traffic to my advantage. It hard when people go off trail but city deer are use to people stuff. walk the trails people use and see what a hiker would see or do. get off hiking trails like 100 yards. so if a hiker does scare a deer it will run 60 yards from trial right in bow range.

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I hunted on the 13 and 14 saw two deer on the 13th. Saw a doe in the morning 65 yards away and a small 6 point buck in the pm hunt. The buck was 65 yards away grunted him in but it dark when he walked through. I have hunted a total of 5 times and seen that same doe everytime but out of range every time. I am in the Rasmusen woods. Do any of you see a bunch of people??? I have had a group of kids playing ten yards away from my stand. They didn’t even know I was there. Had a husband and wife walking around the walked right up to my tree and then saw me, apologize and walk away. Is this normal or what??? (I am 40 yards off the trail.)

Yeah that's normal.

Make sure you guys are locking your standss to the trees. Many Many stands go missing each fall during this city hunt!

I've been walking the river quite a bit lately and there are deer tracks everywhere. Usually spook a few off at lowlight. I'd agree with most comments about regarding water...There isn't much in the city anymore.

Did I hear you say they give everyone 5 tags?

I've not hunted kato city hunt before, had buddies that have, but i though you were given 2 tags?

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