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Finally getting my sons involved in hunting!!!

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So this year I told my wife that I was going to take my son out hunting with me... He's one of those energetic kids who has an incredibly hard time sitting still and all my wife can say is "good luck" (very sarcastically)... So I had my fingers crossed and I figured with enough snacks and batteries in his leapster we would give it a shot... So last week we went out and didn't see a thing but the thing was he didn't care at all... It was so fun to see him perk up in his chair everytime a twig would snap or a bluejay would squak away... So we had a great time but I was disappointed that we got the old skunkaroo

This year has been slow since opener when I was able to see 15 deer but since then notta thing... Today me and the boys snuck up to Wisconsin so I could get a quick evening sit in the woods plus I figured sooner or later I would finally see a deer since they are on the camera everyday (but never out there when I am sitting)... So the night progressed and wouldnt you know it saw 4 does and was able to get a shot on a nice 3 1/2 year old doe... I thought since my kid wasn't able to go out with me id let him tag along and help me recover the deer... It was funny watching him try to walk through the tall grass and deadfalls but he took them like a champ and sure enough in no time we were able to find the deer... He was so excited to be able to help me out and it sure was a proud day for me too

My year and a half old son is absolutely obsessed with deer and the mounts that we have... Everytime we watch a hunting show and someone shoots a deer he yells "gott'em"... So when we brought the deer home to show my little one he got so excited and started petting the deer and poking his eyes (kind of a funny combination) but I got a kick out of it

This is probably one of the best days I have had in a while and am lucky I got to experience it with my kids... Now I just gotta wait til they are old enough to shoot something smile ... Here is my proud moment from last year when my kids celebrated my kill


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That's grest. My 5 year old son is just getting into it. Henhas really shown an interest in the last year for hunting and fishing. It is a great thing for a dad to be able to pass on the tradition to kids. Congrats on the doe also. Thanks for sharing.

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Thats great! Start em now and you will have hunting partners for a long time. If they are excited now, how excited do you think they will be when they get to be behind the bow? My girlfriends son is asking me to take him out, and I hopefully will get him out before the end of the season.

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