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Trophy Pike in the Fall. Where to go?

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Planning a trip in October to do some hawg huntin for trophy pike. I am looking at southern Manitoba and South western Ontario. Lake of the Woods is definitely on the list. There are so many choices on LOW is gets a bit overwhelming finding a place. Any recommendations on a lake to fish and a resort to stay at?



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If you're serious about catching numbers of big pike in the fall and you have the resources to get there, the Taltson river in the Northwest Territories cannot be beat in my opinion. Eric and Kim Beck run Aurora Nights Lodge (google it) and do a great job. There are a lot of places where you can go and catch one or two trophy pike, but the numbers you can catch on the Taltson are just unbelieveable. In September of 2012, 4 of us caught in excess of 60 (sixty!) pike over 20lbs in a week. I've fished pike all over the North for nearly 4 decades now and have never seen numbers like this.

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