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What's The Penalty For An Unregistered Pistol?

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My friend, and yes it actually is my friend, roommate to be precise. I go to school up in Bemidji but I'm in the cities now, so I get to hear all this second hand, which is fantastic. Anyways, my friend got pulled over and the officer found an unregistered pistol in his truck. I've searched the interwebs for awhile now and can't find any solid punishment/penalty info. Does anyone know what the minimums/maximums for possession of an unregistered firearm are in Minnesota?

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For an uncased handgun in a motor vehicle for a non convicted felon it is a gross misdemeanor. 90-days to a year.

For a convicted felon five years.

Stolen handgun is again a felony and not good.

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My friend, and yes it actually is my friend, roommate to be precise. I go to school up in Bemidji but I'm in the cities now, so I get to hear all this second hand, which is fantastic. Anyways, my friend got pulled over and the officer found an unregistered pistol in his truck. I've searched the interwebs for awhile now and can't find any solid punishment/penalty info. Does anyone know what the minimums/maximums for possession of an unregistered firearm are in Minnesota?

you need to clarify. was the gun uncased/loaded? No such thing as an "unregistered pistol".

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Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. My Manure O Matic is going off. Officer "finds" an "unregistered" handgun in his car. What is officer looking for and what is presumed reason for search of auto.

Sniff sniff. There is is......going off again. And all the red lights are blinking! Ha Ha.

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Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff. My Manure O Matic is going off. Officer "finds" an "unregistered" handgun in his car. What is officer looking for and what is presumed reason for search of auto.

Sniff sniff. There is is......going off again. And all the red lights are blinking! Ha Ha.

Ha Ha... I love the sniff test. I know a few folks that would fail that one, and then may ask to be searched.

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Hey guys, sorry about not getting back to you, I actually forget I had made this post lol. I didn't know you didn't have to register a handgun in this state, I know pretty much everything there is to know about fishing, but my hunting/firearm experience is pretty limited unfortunately. As for your other questions, I know he has a case for it, but I have no idea if it was in there or not, or if it was loaded. He's the kind of guy I'd give those odds a 50/50 shot, lol. And he was at a party that the cops shut down, he went to his vehicle to leave, and the cops came over and got him there. Now unfortunately his phone is also dead, so getting details from him are sketchy. He could haver have missed a breathalizer/search or something the cops were doing to all the other party goers, or the cops could have just decided to search his vehicle after letting him leave (I'm assuming if the cops shut down the party and he left it was with their say-so), which I'm pretty sure would be illegal because they already basically said they had no problem cause. Now being completely honest he also may have failed that sniff test, lol.

Thanks for the info on the handgun issue.

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