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fall walleyes in metro area

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I was wondering if there were any local metro lakes that give you a good chance of catching good numbers of walleyes and maybee a trophy fish this fall, how would i fish these lakes? Is there a key depth that they would hold at?



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If you are looking to catch Metro Walleye's, Medicine wouldn't be the best lake to fish. There are Walleye's in Medicine, but they aren't in high numbers. If you or anyone else for that matter catches a Walleye in Medicine Lake. PLEASE return back to water. The DNR has done a fantastic job of restocking Walleye's into Medicine Lake. If people start keeping all the Walleye's they catch, then all the work the DNR has done goes right down the tube.

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thanks for the reply, Where is Bald Eagle located becuase if found many of them on the dnr lakefinder HSOforum. It would help me out alot if there were any key spots to try on the lake that you know of but you dont have to give out any secret spots.


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For fall trophies in the metro, my first two picks would be Minnetonka after dark and Pool 4 on the river during the day. If you are on the river, a trophy would likely not come from the standard hang out up by the dam, but rather in more traditional river spots early or late in the day.

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The Mississippi River, Minnetonka, Rush and Forest Lake are good choices in the fall. Slow troll a redtail or medium sucker minnow on the river, it usually picks up a few walleyes. For Minnetonka I would stick to night fishing like what was mentioned, and troll cranks in the narrows. I would have to agree with rms, there are some big walleyes to be had in the fall. My biggest fall walleye is only about maybe 3 pounds, so I still haven't had one smile.gif

What are some other big fall walleye stories?

Good Fishin,

Matt Johnson

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Dave B\

Any chance we could hook up one of these fall days for fishing the river?

I have fished the hidden falls area from the airport to the dam but haven't had much success on gamefish, tons and tons of white bass, carp, sheephead but few walleyes and SM.

let me know would ya?


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Keep your eye peeled, I occasionally put up when I have an open seat. I may sneak out next Tues, Wed, or Thurs afternoon until dark.

The bite has slowed since June to Sept. But there are still fish to be caught.

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Tonka produces big fish in fall but not a numbers game. Biggest was a 31" fish with a 17" girth two years ago - looked like it swallowed a football. I get a couple of 6+ fish every fall. If you want pigs you have to settle for one fish at best per trip. The big girls don't school up. The 31" was caught on a sucker minnow trolled slowly along a weed edge at night. I get most of my fish trolling husky jerks or #7 shad raps 2 to 3ft off the bottom in 20ft off the big weed flats. Troll about 1.5mph. If you want good sized fish and some numbers go to the channels. If the fish are moving you'll get a limit of 20" or better fish pretty quick. Assuming there aren't 30 boats doing the same thing which has been the case this year.

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