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i just ordered a Ruger .357 revolver that I intend on using for deer hunting. I am trying to figure out which scope to put on it. I have looked at a number of 2, 4, & 6 power scopes, but from what I can see, the higher power scopes make it difficult to get a good sight picture. I have also looked at the Red-Dot 1x options and they seem to have a nice clear sight picture and with the variety of colors and options for the dot/crosshairs/circle, etc.

I wanted to see what opinions others have on this subject.



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Just go to a big-box outdoors store when they're not too busy and stand at the gun counter and look through all the scopes they have. If you can, put the sight on backgrounds of different colors to see how different colors of reticles show up. Maybe they actually have something mounted hanging off the wall for a realistic sight picture. ('Cause you're only gonna see trophies through it, right? grin )

Side note: I have a silver Nikon Monarch in either 1 or 4 power that I'd be willing to part with. I've never even put it on a gun. (Which is why I'd be willing to sell...)

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This is the.357 that I use for deer hunting. I went with a 1x (zero magnification) Red Dot. As a both eyes open pistol shoother I felt that a red dot with zero magnification made the shot picture the same as if I had no scope. The other nice thing is it has multiple brightness settings so you can adjust it for noon high sun, or sunrise dim.

I have looked at the pistol scopes with 2x or 4x magnification and it messes with my eyes and my sight picture.

I guess it is best to look at them all. The red dots at the stores will likely have dead batteries or not work, so it will be hard to get a feel for how the sight picture looks, so you may have to find a friend with one.

Good luck.


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Given the inherent "wiggle factor" of a handgun, I would be tempted to rule-out anything over 2x. I have very little experience in this particular subject, but that's my gut feeling.

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I have a s&w 500 with a leupold on it I like that its adjustable so you can turn the power up or down usually down 2-3 works well. Not sure on the red dot just would make sure you get a good one that can handle the recoil.

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I have a s&w 500 with a leupold on it I like that its adjustable so you can turn the power up or down usually down 2-3 works well. Not sure on the red dot just would make sure you get a good one that can handle the recoil.

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Wow, good to know. I was looking at reflex-type sights for my 77/44 and was looking pretty hard at the can style just because of price. I eventually found and bought a used EOTech for it (save the cash, big gulp of air, plunk said cash down) and reading this makes really glad I waited. But, it's a bummer for you to be able to tell me.

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