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hornady 30-30 rounds

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I'm sure this was asked before but have any of you guys that shoot the 30-30's started useing the plastic tipped/balistic rounds in your lever guns and how do they preform. I seen what they will do out of a marlin.444 with excellent results .

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My son shot his first deer this past year with 30-30 Hornady leverevolutions out of my old Marlin. They shoot flatter than the round nosed and are accurate. I'm going to keep using them.

A guy at work said he had a couple miss fires with these this last fall hunting in real cold weather. Not sure if its because of the ammo or a weak firing pin.

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failure to fire in extreme cold weather is not all that unusual nor is it necessarily a weak firing pin mechcanism. Typicaly an over oiled interior of the bolt will cause the lube to gel up and slow down meaning a less then optimum strike on the primer. "at 20 below, it's cold, don't cha know"

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By the way, congrats to the son. I know he was thrilled but, more so the pride you probably had. I know watching my son kill his 1st buck is a moment that will be forever etched in my mind. It isn't that many years away that he will strike out on his own and return with his 1st unsupervised kill. Keep the tradition alive!!!!!

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By the way, congrats to the son. I know he was thrilled but, more so the pride you probably had. I know watching my son kill his 1st buck is a moment that will be forever etched in my mind. It isn't that many years away that he will strike out on his own and return with his 1st unsupervised kill. Keep the tradition alive!!!!!

Thanks Paul, my son was 12 this year. I have been teaching him gun safety ever since he was a toddler with his first plastic suction cup pistol. He's been tagging along in the woods with me since he was 4, started dropping ducks and rabbits at age 9 and shot his first deer at age 12. Next year will be his first year hunting with his bow. My wife says I've brainwashed him into hunting all these years. Oh well, we could be doing worse things!!

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i shoot a 35rem and im more accurate with the round nose feds. but did kill a deer this year with lever revs and it didnt go 30ft. i dont use a scope so it really dont pay for me to use these im shootin out to 60yds with this rifle and thats the reason i got it spot and stalk gun. as for them lever revs great bullet i was impressed

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