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Pop-up Shelters?


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Now that they have been out a couple of years let's hear soem pro's and con's on the pop-up shelters.

Do you shovel snow out of the way first?

Does it blow away in the wind?

Quick to setup and easy to move?

Pro's and Con's like the questions above would be great.

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I bought a clam the week after Christmas and took it to Mille lacs. Set up was super easy. Pulled it out of the bag and started pushing it open and was fishing in minutes. Take down was a whole nother thing . never looked at the directions and had a heck of a time figuring it out. Moved 3 times that day and fought it every time. Should have read the directions. Since then my kid has used it 3 or 4 times and there are seams coming apart and a broken pole and one of the metal hubs broke in half. It will be going back to the store. Think I might get the eskimo since friends have it and have not had any trouble for years.

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I have the Black Ice 3 man hub. Ill answer your questions then tell you I picked this model over the clam and eskimo versions.

1) No I do not sweep or plow the snow away. We have quite a bit on Vermillion this year but I have not I've heard some guys have and ended up flooding themselves out of spots.

2)My Black Ice house came with 4 ice anchors when I have gone out on the windy days I have anchored the corners of the skirt on the windward side down then used a third anchor to use the included strap to keep the wall from popping back in on me. It has worked just fine so far and the anchors are surprisingly easy to screw into the ice. I even just banked my house up good once and set the auger on the windward skirt and the house didn't move, although a wall did pop in twice during the day.

3) I can set up my house in about 3 minutes and within 10 minutes be fishing. Moving it is super easy if you don't want to go far take out any anchors you put down and pull the house (say if you didn't hit quite the right depth you wanted. If you want to go a ways it is kind of a pain to get the house back in the bag the first few times but you will eventually get a system down for getting it back in.

I picked the Black Ice because its black and will absorb the suns heat a little better than the others this helps save on fuel. Black Ice also has two two zipper doors. I can come and go from both sides and the doors open a little bigger than the D shaped doors on the others. The windows are much bigger on the black ice and if I want to put out tip-up I just have to stand and not have to look through at awkward angles to see my tip-up. I have had no problems with the windows on it as of yet (It has been out around 15 times I'm guessing. The tie down straps for the walls are not a loop and hook system they are buckles which I like because I know they will hold even if the house is shaking in the wind. The anchor grommets are on the outside of the house right in the middle of the skirt corners which I like because I want my holes drilled right in the corners. I have four storage compartments one below each window and two mesh storage areas attached to the roof of the house (Tackle box on the wall storage next to my chair, hat and gloves in the roof storage and extra rod on the other side) I even set up a rattle wheel using the clamp on style wheels I clamp them onto one of the fiberglass rods on the roof and they have worked great so far for me!

Hope this answers your questions. I am a big fan so far. If you guys live in the iron range and want to hit Vermillion I am more than willing to take you out and show you what a cool set up this is!

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cabellas 6x12 pop up $300

PRO- fast and easy to set up even by yourself

PRO- plenty of elbow room

PRO- easy to transport

PRO- Good price for a big shelter.

CON- difficult to set up/take down in the wind especially w/o a friend or two.

CON- open floor makes for cold feet if you bring someone without proper boots. problem fixed with 2 fans one on each ceiling, or bring a piece of wood to put feet up.

CON- cabellas brand sucks!!!!... my friends eskimo is a little nicer and has windows that open for extra ventilation! I'm about to return the cabellas one for the second time in 30 days.

I shovel the snow and slush away after drilling from the spot im putting the house then use it to pack around the outside.

I would recommend this style of house.

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I bought a Killzone 6 x 6 at the end of the season last year. I have used it 4 times and has been great until this last trip. I like using the popup on early ice and hard to reach areas. My fishing spot requires entering and exiting via a long steep hill and both straps on my shelter bag ripped right off, now my shelter is pretty much useless to me. Killzone said that they don't cover the bag under the warranty, but they will sell me a new one for 20% of what I paid for the shelter.

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Clam Expedition (The hated!)

I got it on sale for $100, and had to replace a pole (I did buy the floor model) but Clam sent it at no charge and it arrived in 2 days - long before I ever needed the shack. Aside from that, I've been really happy with it. Zero problems since. I have used the Eskimos and I really like them as well.

No draft (You can bank it, but you don't need to), doesn't blow away under 13 mph (I've yet to use the ice anchors), easy to set up (Read the directions 1st, collapse the long side 1st!). Been very happy with my investment.

I think being cautious and willing to "Back off" the setup or collapse is key... If you like to force things, avoid hub shelters IMO.

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I have had my Glens 6x6 out 5 times so far. Quick setup and take down. It did help to practice it a couple times out in the yard to get the feel of what it would be like on the lake. Its easy to move from spot to spot about, takes about 5 minutes to move about 100yds a little more if windy.

I am getting a rubber mat for the floor it does get slippery. It weights 26lbs and the bag is over sized and is quality made. I had a drill adapter made for the ice anchors.

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Wow, no one talks much of the quickfish3 which is what I have

easy and fast, have had mine 3 years out every single weekend of the 3 seasons never had a single problem. floor is cold so I built a floor for mine-weighs about 35lbs, not a big deal when you have a wheeler or snowmobile. I have the green one now they have red, no matter what the heats stays in, windows are big enough to light the whole shack to see even 2 lb blue mono.


windy?= bank up shack around the whole thing, I haven't used a ice stake in 2 years unless I leave the shack out over night. The quickfish comes with 8 stakes or at least mine did. Ive never used more than 4 at a time tho.

sometimes it bags up hard from ice and snow- I bring to small pieces of rope in the bag when this happens I simply rap the shack with the 2 ropes and it goes in the bag. I have slammed this shack on the ground numerous times and nothing has ever broke. $170 or less for the shack and a single buddy heater heats it for me. Compared to some of the more exspensive brands out their.

I like red and I have green thats the only other con.

just my 2cents worth hope it helps

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How is the Eskimo if you want to move on a spot? If you're like me and you just go 100' this way, 150' that way, moving kind of frequently?

As long as you keep all your gear in a small sled, and it is not very windy out. It literally takes about 30 seconds to put up and take down (at least for my Eskimo) and be on the move to your next spot. When I do this I do not bother with putting it back in the bag, and I have a sled cover to keep everything in place. I'm sure you can find a youtube video that demonstrates the ease of takedown/setup. If wind requires the use of ice stakes, add a minute for install of each one.

Funny thing is that it is actually quicker than setting up/down my otter lodge. The lodge (flip-over style) has an older pole design that have a tendency to "bind" so can be a pain at time. But I still will never part with it since both shack styles has there time and place for me depending on the situation and conditions.

When using my pop-up/hub. I fish sitting on a bucket that sits in my sled (med sized shappell/jet sled), and all the rest of my gear in the sled except for my auger and vex. So if I have to move it is very easy and quick.

If you are only moving a very short distance (which can be all it takes for being on/off the bite), with 2 people we don't even break down the 6x12 6 man eskimo. It only weighs around 40# so we pick it up and set it on the new spot while still setup.

Tough to go wrong with a pop-up (unless you are more hardcore fisherman). Way more pro's than con's for recreational fisherman imho.

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I am looking at the 4 man pop up eskimo. I am probably going to get a small buddy heater for this. I have a sunflower heater but have not used that in years and always hear some issues with this heater.

But I am very excited about getting this proty though. Anyone know that cheapest place to get one? Fleet Farm, Joe's, etc...

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I am looking at the 4 man pop up eskimo. I am probably going to get a small buddy heater for this. I have a sunflower heater but have not used that in years and always hear some issues with this heater.

But I am very excited about getting this proty (Ugh! Porty) though. Anyone know that cheapest place to get one? Fleet Farm, Joe's, etc...

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So how do you make a floor? I have a breadbox style portable I built myself but thinking of getting a pop-up. Would like to have a floor if I do. I have some carpet remnants in the garage and was thinking of cutting some to fit with holes cut in them. Worst case is I could throw them if they got too nasty.

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I am looking at the 4 man pop up eskimo. I am probably going to get a small buddy heater for this.

I just bought the Eskimo QF4 tonight (not the thermal). I paid $219 at Glen's Army Navy Surplus in Grand Rapids. They have a HSOforum where you can order. When I brought it home, I set it up in my driveway just to try it out. Wasn't too difficult (of course, my driveway is nice and flat and shoveled clean).

I also have the portable buddy heater (not the Big Buddy). I fired it up inside there for 20 minutes or so on high and it was comfortable. Not T shirt, but definitely sweatshirt and no gloves.

The house is 6x8 and wasn't bad to put up or tear down. I'm a little concerned about how it might be in wind. I like that it takes up less room in the vehicle than a sled fish shelter. I bought it to fish with a friend plus my son and his. It seems like it will be completely adequate for that. If just 2 of us go, it will be plenty large for 2 holes each and all the gear inside.

Trial run at 6 am tomorrow.

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So, when setting up a popup in deep snow conditions like these, do most people shovel it out, drill, then setup; or just setup on the snow; or something else? Do you need to shovel to ice just to get the anchors in? Having never set one of these up, I could use a little advice on the easiest way to get fishing.

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When we used a friends up on Mille Lacs we didnt shovel anything and it was lumpy, but it worked perfectly fine. I would think if its really slushy shoveling wouldnt be the best thing to do, you would just sit in a puddle all day

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Take down tip: push top down, then the 4 sides, then repush down the center and the remaining corners will pop up a little, done. fold and store. If you dont do the second push down in the center before you lay on side youre in for a world of PIA

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I've only set my 6 X 12 up once but this is what we did. It was just my son and I and there was just a light breeze. We set it up first, then I went inside and drilled holes while he held onto the house. Then I had him lift the shelter by each hole while I shoveled the slush from around that hole and put it on the outside. Then I went outside and used that slush to anchor the house as well as put snow around it to seal the bottom of the house. We left the snow on the inside as an insulator and so it wouldn't be slippery. We just packed it down with our feet.

It was about 6 degrees that day so when we packed up I just went around and stomped on the slush/anchor spots to break it free. Worked slick and didn't have to use any of the anchors that came with the house.


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I have the 6x9 Clam Summit, It does take a few practice runs to get everything set up and taken down with ease. But Love it so Far.

Pros- Extra Room ( I'm 6'5" and love that I can stand straight up, and move around). Can fish 3 comfortable but did fish 4 once, tight but fun times)

- light weight, much easier to store and transport than flip over style

- no floor, I like that I can put the holes anywhere. Just use a few 3x5 garage rugs to keep in the heat.

- Easy to anchor, I just got 8 7" lag bolts and portable drill, usually just anchor 2 on the windward side.

- Shelves that come with the Clam work great to keep items off the ground and dry.

Cons-Most cons are due to wind, being light weight it will blow away in heavy winds

- Moving isn't as easy as it is with a flip over but not to bad.

- if not taken down correctly the hubs/rods can get tangles and pop out. (easy fix, just unscrew hub and pop hub back into place.

I do shovel the ice then use to bank side of house, no drafts even in the wind.

Hope this helps,


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