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Cleaning in the field after shooting?

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I got thinking and wondering what everyone does at the range after shooting a few times through your smoke poles. I shot mine about 10 times opening weekend of gun season at targets and had the convenience of taking to the sink and cleaning after wards. But what if your not where there is any water? Whats your procedure ?

Also, how much difference do you see in accuracy after say 3-10 shots? I was still able to load it after 10 shots and accuracy wasn't noticeably different.

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My range is at home so that has never been an issue. Usually it is not a problem to wait an hour until you get home and give it a good cleaning. I do like to take the breech plug out of an inline while the gun is warm. If you need to clean away from a source of water it would be easy to bring a gallon or so of water with you or there are solvents available that will do the job.

I always swab with a mixture of alchohol and windshield wiper fluid between shots. That way every shot should be about the same. Some guns are more fussy about that than others. I know people that load shot after shot without swabbing and maintain very acceptable accuracy.

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I always swab with a mixture of alchohol and windshield wiper fluid between shots. That way every shot should be about the same.

Do you pop a cap or primer through it after doing this? This is what Im looking for. Something to keep the barrel from fouling to make sure each shot is the same.

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I do not pop a cap. I do not have the patch super wet, it is more just damp with the mixture, the alchohol makes it dry fast after swabbing. If I feel it is not dry I swab with a dry patch after the damp patch. Sometimes after a lot of shooting the flashhole will start to get obstructed, I usually just use a nipple pick or a real fine wire to clear it.

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I keep a couple of zip top baggs with some patches in my pack. One has dry patches, the other has some presoaked patches. The "wet" ones are sprayed with window/glass cleaner. (Zep with amonia)

If the gun gets "unloaded", It gets swabbed before going in the truck.

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Between shots in the field I usually put a patch in my mouth ang get damp. Do not soak it with saliva.

I always carry my cleaning solution with if I want to clean it and do not have hot water. It is equal parts solution:

1 part isopropyl alcohol

1 part hyrdogen peroxide

1 part murphy's oil soap

Keep this solution in a dark container so the alcohol does not breakdown.

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I have always used a prelubed patch before I shot my muzzleloader and after each shot. I then clean at home with hot soapy water.

What is with the window cleaner/alcohol cleaning? Is that better than dish soap or just convenient? I shoot triple 7.

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I use the window cleaner because it is easier. No need to putz with the soap and water. I guess the big thing for me is the water, water does bad things to guns. Just ask Wanderer about his muzzy.

Anyways, spray the patch with cleaner once or twice,

squeeze out the extra,

Down and back with the Jag, Flip the patch and repeat, down and back.

Run a dry patch down and back, flip and repeat, down and back.


Two patches, three if I fired more than 3 rounds off (777 leaves that "burn ring" that will need extra work) Might take a minute or two.

Before I store it, I spray a towel w/zep and whipe everything down good on the outside, and run a bore butter patch down the inside. Spotless and clean. W/o the worry of water.

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