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Acuuracy problems with .270

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I own 3 Ruger M-77's and they have all been good shooters. My wife has an M-77 .270 that has never shot quite as well as I think it should (2" groups), but this year when we sighted in before deer season it might shoot 2 shots within 1/2" and then throw one 6". That 6" could be any direction. It has a Leupold scope which is the same as on the other rifles and I've never had trouble with any of them, so I don't think it's the scope. I checked the bedding screws, scope screws, etc. and nothing was loose. I tried letting the barrel cool between shots. Nothing seemed to matter, about every 3rd shot seemed to be way off. Shot 3 other rifles the same day and didn't have any trouble with them, so it wasn't the shooter. Anyone got an idea where I should start trying to figure this out? These are reloads I'm shooting. 55 grains of IMR-4831 with a 140 grain Hornady, BTSP bullet. Always performed great in the other .270 ???

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I have a M77 in .270 and I realy like it. Been shooting it for almost 20 years. I curently shoot Federal Fusions through it. I can cover a 3 shot group with a quarter at 100yards.

Not a 4 shot, a 3 shot. After 3 the gun gets very "hot gun" crabby. So if it is off, and needs range work. I better bring something else to do because I will be waiting a while for it to cool off.

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