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RIP Bob Probert

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Very Sad indeed, Will be remembered as one of the greastest enforcers that could actually play, i believe he was that last "enforcer" to be voted to an All-star game

All of the stuff i've read on him over the years was that he was a very nice person off the ice, and watching his old clips, never showboated and gave everyone a fair shot at him. Defintly a throw back player that is very rare now-a-days

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How can you possibly know his death is related to drugs and alcohol?

Speaking from personal experience, being present as a loved one dies unexpectedly is horrific. There's nothing comforting or consoling about it. I imagine it's worse for younger folks.

If you felt any fondness for Bob Probert you might have made a more thoughtful post.

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You better re read my post. Coming from Chicago, and having watching him finish his career here, I did have a fondness for him. I never said that his death was a result of drugs or alcohol, just that those factors contributed in shortening the life of a very talented hockey player who died way too early. Drugs and alcohol will take down the most powerful of giants and for you to question that seems odd since you are admitting experience with the very same evils.

I think we are on the same side here, you might have just read something into the post that was not there.

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Windy untill I went and read about his death your post did also have me thinking it was alcohol related. You might have put in their that he was having chest pains and his father in law performed cpr. Either way he like anyone else who dies at that age is to young.

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Sorry about that Bobby. I was referring to his overall life and not the cause of death. The article I read did not mention the details just before his death. His drug and alcohol problems throughout his life are well noted and should surprise nobody and I would guess that any doctor, regardless of the exact cause of his death would agree that the alcohol and drugs would have contributed to his early passing.

Again, I think we are all on the same side here, drugs+alcohol abuse will never lead to any good.

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too bad that his past will cloud or not the reason for his passing. IF he was a straight shooting, pastor,, ,, I don't think it makes any difference. Drugs and booze not only have the influnce over those addicted,, but to those not addicted in laying blame where it has no merit. Sometimes-- and most times,, when it's the end of the road, it's the end of road. For us to reason and judge another persons passing, is not our calling.

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Which post should I re read?

Your first one, which you cruelly title "RIP Bob Probert" then proceed to defame him with your assumptions that his death was caused by drugs and alcohol?


Should I re read your second and third posts in which you stumble and trip over yourself while backpedalling to a sanctimonious, irrelevant position on the evils of addiction?

If you wanted to express a fondness for Mr. Probert...you missed your chance.

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and I also would like to know how Windy knows Proberts' overall life?? You followed the dude as a hockey player,, you didn't co-habitate with the guy. (as far as I know)?? Theological speaking, I better sign off.

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Seriously guys, even the favorite gum-flapper we all know as Windy, would not be so harsh as to intentionally mean disrespect to the passing of anyone.

So, whether or not he simply mis-typed or did not type enough to get his true feelings across, I gotta believe he posted the thread in memory of the guy, not to bemoan his lifestyle.

Irregardless (or is it supposed to be regardless?), I don't think Windy will lose sleep over anyone's intrepretation of what he intended.

And as to cutting life short, well, I will not stop drinking for fear it will stun my body and cause my (further) decline. The way I look at it now is if I stop now, I'll never get to 100.

Or would it be that if I make it to 100, I coulda made it to 150?

One thing for sure, the heavy chest pains this weekend make me really consider it is time to stop those awfully addictive ciggies.

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RIP Probert. He was one of my favorites of all time. I miss the old traditional way hockey was played with the enforcer playing its role.

Boy, a person really needs to be careful what he writes on these forums. Common fellas, there was no disrespect in WC post.

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Thanks Geno and CBrooks,

I don't know what kind of axe Cheif has to grind but he sure seems to have a burr under his saddle. I am from Chicago for cripes sake and I was the one who started this whole thread! I said "So Sad". The fact that I did mention his well documented addictions to both drugs and alcohol have nothing to do with "disrespecting" anybody. YOU ARE WAY OFF BASE Cheif and I think you owe me an apology, but from looking at your skewed bias attitude I think I will not be getting one.

And as for cohabitating with the guy, GIVE ME A BREAK! His record is documented. I mean I don't want to trash the guy on the day he dies but you guys are forcing me to point out the obvious. HE IS A MULTIPLE CONVICTED FELON, HE DID JAIL TIME, HE HAS BEEN TAZED BY POLICE, what more do you want now? I SAID RIP and I said that I think it is sad that a life was cut short by drugs and alcohol and if you think that cocaine and booze did not contribute to his early passing, even if it was a heart attack, they you had better go feed your unicorn and say goodnight to the tooth fairy for me!!!

Again, WAY OFF BASE, Cheif! And for your info, rookie, I NEVER STUMBLE!

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I don't want to trash the guy on the day he dies but you guys are forcing me to point out the obvious. HE IS A MULTIPLE CONVICTED FELON, HE DID JAIL TIME, HE HAS BEEN TAZED BY POLICE, what more do you want now?


The sentences above speak volumes about your feelings for Mr. Probert.

However, because I like you, because I want to help you through a trying time, I offer the following rewrite of your Probert remembrance.

Here goes......

"Bob Probert died today. So sad. He was a giant. A giant multiple-conviction felon who'd been jailed and tazed. His drug and alcohol addictions were well known, and I know these are what killed him. I know these things 'cuz I'm from Chicago. Oh well, at least his children were around to see him die."

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Geez it's just the internet; try not to take things so seriously smile Windy is windy and he keeps it lively & fun around the sports forums. I don't mean to start anything with you, but that re-mixed paraphrase and last sentence in particular seems out of line.

I liken this topic to the Deadliest Catch forum (I love that show BTW) and the passing of Captain Phil. Many people commented about how fond they were of Phil, his unique ways, and how he will be remembered. But talk naturally gravitates toward his admitted past additictions with alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes and the possible connection to his premature passing.

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Thanks Solbes,

It is obvious that Chief and I are not seeing eye to eye. As Dave Mason sang, There ain't no good guys, there ain't no bad guys, there's only you and me and we just disagree!

I tried to clarify my position, I tried to be nice, then I tried to be factual. The facts are the facts. Our lives are defined by the choices that we make and Bob Probert made a ton of bad ones. Not trying to trash him for them, heck, I liked the guy when he was a Black Hawk, but the facts are the facts. It is a black and white world, not much grey in my world, I have said this before.

However, that being said, I started this thread because I was truly sad to hear of Bob's early passing. I posted RIP as I have for many other athletes and thought I had expressed my sentiments pretty clearly. I am sorry if my words lead anybody to believe that he died ala Chris Farley or John Belushi with a nose full of coke and a belly full of Jack but for many years that is exactly how Bob did lead his life. If he had changed that is great and I am glad that if he did have to die so early it was while out boating with his kids, wife and family rather than in some hotel room with a hooker but the fact still remains that I would bet dollars to donuts that his alcohol and drug addiction did lead to his early death.

With that I am ending this debate and will not respond further. Anybody else wishing to convey their sentiments are free to do so.

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Windy, and I thought you only rubbed non-WSox baseball fans the wrong way??? Now you're riling up hockey fans, boozers, drug abusers, and funeral directors probably.

(I once asked a funeral director the best time to die...you know what he said? "Anytime before me").

As far as feeling acrimony via thread-reply goes, I too will try to explain my intent when it is so obviously misintrepreted - I do not consider that to be "backpedaling".

But many times when I feel attacked, and I really want to exchange barbs, I try to remember these two old sayings:

1) Don't try to have a fair battle of wits with an unarmed man

2) And never wrestle with a pig...he likes it, you get dirty.

but I'm not perfect --- which is a good thing 'cause you know what happened to the last perfect guy on this earth--so usually I end my participation by saying I only have two words......and they're not "let's dance".

And this year they're not "Cubs Win" either.

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I agree Geno, somebody has to be the bigger person and that person is me! And if you have seen any pictures of me you will know that this statement is correct on many levels! LOL

Thanks Geno!

Hey you wanna dump Ted Lilly? My Pale Hose might need to rent him for a half season with Mr. Peavey getting an ouchie last night. Think it over. Or better yet how about putting the BIG Z in black and silver!!! They make straight jackets in black and silver, right? LOL

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If you have ever read any of Windy's posts this is the type of guy he is. Anytime any Minnesota sports team loses an important game, he makes posts right away to rub salt in our wounds. It is funny he doesn't even live in this state, yet he is constantly posting on fishingminnesota. Classy guy......

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This post was to honor a hockey great who past away way too young.

I don't live in Minnesota should I be allowed to post on HSO? I'm always posting on here when UND beats the Gophers or vice versa. I sure hope I don't get underneath peoples skin but I don't think I'm as witty as WC. Maybe its more of a compliment. Its what makes these forums fun when you have a couple of smart allecs going at it. Besides the Blackhawks winning the stanely cup what else has a chicago team has done lately;)

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GIVE ME A BREAK! His record is documented. I mean I don't want to trash the guy on the day he dies but you guys are forcing me to point out the obvious. HE IS A MULTIPLE CONVICTED FELON, HE DID JAIL TIME, HE HAS BEEN TAZED BY POLICE, what more do you want now? I SAID RIP and I said that I think it is sad that a life was cut short by drugs and alcohol and if you think that cocaine and booze did not contribute to his early passing, even if it was a heart attack, they you had better go feed your unicorn and say goodnight to the tooth fairy for me!!!

I tried to clarify my position, I tried to be nice, then I tried to be factual. The facts are the facts. Our lives are defined by the choices that we make and Bob Probert made a ton of bad ones. Not trying to trash him for them, heck, I liked the guy when he was a Black Hawk, but the facts are the facts. It is a black and white world, not much grey in my world, I have said this before.

However, that being said, I started this thread because I was truly sad to hear of Bob's early passing. I posted RIP as I have for many other athletes and thought I had expressed my sentiments pretty clearly. I am sorry if my words lead anybody to believe that he died ala Chris Farley or John Belushi with a nose full of coke and a belly full of Jack but for many years that is exactly how Bob did lead his life. If he had changed that is great and I am glad that if he did have to die so early it was while out boating with his kids, wife and family rather than in some hotel room with a hooker but the fact still remains that I would bet dollars to donuts that his alcohol and drug addiction did lead to his early death.

im not trying to pick sides here, but come on windy, every one of your posts on this thread has trashed Bob Probert. You would always start it off in a way saying "i dont want to talk trash about the guy BUT ......" then you would go on with a list of sins. "I'm not trying to trash him, BUT, the facts are facts" and then list more negatives. When a guy dies, one should forget about all the negatives and reflect upon the positives, and in no way bring disrespect upon him.

This whole thread is getting away from the point. Mr Probert was an awesome hockey player to watch, even though he was ahead of my time, I still have seen numerous games and highlights of him. He brought with him, a certain demeanor to the ice every time he stepped on the rink that just screamed "old time hockey". I miss the way the game was played back then, and frown upon what it has turned into. Old time hockey was a much better game. Back when enforcers would actually enforce. No one was afraid to drop the gloves. If you want to know what I'm talking about, just go on youtube and type in Bob Probert and watch some of the old scums and brawls he was in, it will bring a smile to your face. RIP Bob Probert, you will be missed and you left this life way too early.

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Gonna keep p ing......

Gretzky legendary? Esposito - take your pick, Phil or Tony? Lemieux (sp!) -you know the one I mean? Howe? Orr? those Canadien greats?

Probert definitely was one of the toughest guys on ice ever, and held the title for a pretty long time, but not so sure I, myself, would use the adjective "legendary" for that role. Now if you were talking about Ice Fighting instead of Ice Hockey, I might be inclined to agree.

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Bob Probert was one of the best enforcers or goons to ever play hockey. I know alot of people probably think its just a side circus show during the game but it had its importance. Gretzky and Lemiuex both had to have enforcer, so they could put points on the board. To have one you have to have the other.

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Gonna keep p ing......

Gretzky legendary? Esposito - take your pick, Phil or Tony? Lemieux (sp!) -you know the one I mean? Howe? Orr? those Canadien greats?

Probert definitely was one of the toughest guys on ice ever, and held the title for a pretty long time, but not so sure I, myself, would use the adjective "legendary" for that role. Now if you were talking about Ice Fighting instead of Ice Hockey, I might be inclined to agree.

You put Tony Esposito in as ledgandary goaltender? Why cause he won a cup as a backup for Montreal, His numbers are nice but not Ledendary like

Claude Lemieux was the 2nd best rat of all-time behind Ken Linseman so he is not that ledendary

Greztky, Howe and Orr, Top three of all-time and Legandary, won lots of Cups and had some great enforcers protect them

Bob Probert, Marty McSorley and Clark Gillies, Legandary Enforcers who could put a puck in the net and play the game and protect star players who had HOF careers

Everyone has a role in Hockey and Bob Probert was one of the best, if not the best at his, which makes him Legandary

Done P ing and if your not, Go to Wrigley, everyone has gone there since 1906

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C Brooks,

What else has Chicago done lately other than the Black Hawks??? Let's see, think hard now, I think the Bears went to the Super Bowl a few years ago, didn't they? More than the Queens have done. And let me see, was it the Cubs, no no I think it was the other team in Chicago that just a few years ago won something, wait wait it will come to me. It was right around 2005, I think that they won something like 11 of 12 playoff games and only lost one game by the score of 3-2, better than the Twinkies have done, right? And didn't Chicago have a pitcher who pitched the 18th perfect game in HISTORY just last year? I think he did, it was Mark Burlwood, or was it Burkheart...no no I think it was Mark Buehrle! Not sure but I think so, now tell me which Twinkie hurler pitched a perfect game...anybody, anybody, Buehler Buehler.....

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    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
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