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Rookie tries out Airbrush on Cranks

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So I'm pretty much addicted to fishing. But try as I may, I'm just not craving the ice fishing. So I decided to try making and painting my own lures to pass some time in winter. I checked into it a little bit and bought an Iwata HP-C airbrush. I've got MUCH to learn, but thought I'd share some of my early lures. Tips and critical comments welcome. I'm hoping to see some other people's creations, so PLEASE share.

This Rapala Deep Husky 12 (Chrome/Blue) was so beatup from savage pike bites, that I decided to repaint it. We have a large Cisco population on the lake I fish, so many of my attempts were to mimic it. Plenty of fine glitter added to the epoxy for extra flash.


This one was handmade out of balsa with a chipboard lip. I think I'll switch to basswood in the future, as it will require less lead and is much stronger than balsa. Seems to have a nice wobble in the whirlpool, but we'll see once I can actually fish with it. Again went with a cisco pattern, there's a little subtle blue under the purple that's tough to capture with a camera.


Here's a handmade lipless crank with a through wire. It's probably too stiff to allow much movement between the sections, but it was fun to try. Learning, learning. Seems to track straight anyway so I'm happy. Perch pattern with glitter.


And finally, here's a paint job done on a blank bass lure that I bought. The silver pearl color is opaque under clouds, but see through ghost under sdirect sunlight. Starting to learn how to soften some of the masks I use.


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"Tips and critical comments welcome"

OK, here goes. YOU SUCK! Just quit...you'll never get anywhere producing garbage like that....

Just kidding! Those things are darn good lookings, especially for someone just starting out. I was planning on trying my hand at lure making this winter, but ice fishing got in the way. Keep it up! Definatly like you've made a good start. And be sure to post up when you catch your first fish on one of these! Nothing better than knowing all that hard work has paid off!!!

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It takes some practice, that's for sure. I've probably painted 15-20 lures this winter. Just getting the basics of mixing colors, how to thin them, blending colors, applying even topcoats, etc.

Some things I've tried but need to get much better at are applying a scale pattern, using masks for details, and freehand stripes/details. I think the latter two of those will take a few seasons of frigid weather to get proficient at.

I am excited to get some of them wet over the next couple of months. Hope to fool the occasional bass, pike, or marble eye.

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They look good, I have started to paint some too. Very addicting!!!

Bassnbucks, post some pics when you get some time. I've got all summer to come up with some ideas for next year.

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Here are some with scales, I use little aligator clips to hold the masking on while I paint light coats, I always dry each coat with a hair dryer for about 15 seconds. I have taken pictures of almost every bait I have painted, and looking through all the pics I have come a long since I started this winter. So as I am always learning and trying to improve, keep at it and you will too.




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