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Prepairing For A Ten Day Vacation

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On Thursday we are leaving for a ten day stay at our little camper by the lake.

I'm stumped I can't seem to think of what I want to prepare for meals. I'm tired of making the same old things all the time. Hopefully we will have a couple of fish meals, but besides that does any one have any good ideas? What are your favorite camp meals? Have you tried anything different latly?

Thanks <><Mary><>

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You Bet!
Here's 3 ideas:

* Ribeye steaks, hash browns, onions, peppers and whatever else you desire cooked over the fire in a large cast iron skillet. Just dump in some butter-flavored crisco to get the hash browns started...just as they are starting to cook nicely, make pockets in the potatoes to drop the steaks into (so they rest on the skillet), then stir in the rest of the goodies. Occasionally stir the potato mix, but try to turn the steaks only once. Season as desired - WOW! (definitely my wife's favorite)

* Blueberry cobbler cooked in the dutch oven. This is the simplest recipe in the universe, but a very tasty treat sitting around the fire. Single batch (serves 3-4) - mix up a Jiffy yellow cake mix, using slightly less water than requested on package. Put batter into WELL-GREASED dutch oven, then drop in spoonfuls of blueberry (or peach, apple or cherry) pie filling. About 8 oz. will do for a single batch. Put lid on then hang pot (or set on grate) just a couple inches off a good hot bed of coals. Test with a toothpick, but it usually takes about 20 minutes for single batch, or 40 minutes for a double batch.

* Jiffy Pop popcorn...can't be beat!

Have fun. I hope this inspires hunger.

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My favorite is very simple. Look in your grocer's section in the rice isle. Look for Zatarans boxed jyambalia mix. Follow directions and add 1 pound of hot suasage (diced) and a 90 count bag of frozen shrimp. remove tails . Put shrimp in last 5 minutes of cooking just to get hot they come pre-cooked. This dish makes plenty for two people and is spicy NOT hot. A side dish I love with this is corn bread. I used to use jiffy but have found that betty cocker in the bag is much more moist and fresh. But betty like the rest still need a little help. I prepare the batter per label instructions I then add 1 can of whole kernel corn and 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese. If your into spicy like me I also add chopped jalapenos but they can be left out. Mix with batter and bake per instructions. Enjoy!!! My favorite breakfest hint- If you like pancakes,french toast or waffles, spread peanut butter on them before you add syrup. The syrup and peanut butter mixed together has a taste you wont believe. Well those are just a couple of mine. I too am leaving tomorow for 6 days and cant decide what to cook......

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Thanks yup you made me hungry alright. I don't know why but over the years I've gotten away from cooking over the fire. I supose its because I have a stove, oven and micro wave in my camper and a gas grill right out side. But you have inspired me and I'm going to make at least a few meals right over the fire. I'm also hoping to try a new recipe but we have to catch some fish first for it. Its a Poor mans lobster kind of thing. You take a can of 7up and a can of water bring to a boil and poach your fish in this then you melt butter and pour over the fish after you remove it from the liquid. You can use any kind of fish for it but the kind that the people were using that told me about this was White Bass.

Thanks and keep them coming I got 10 days to fill. <><Mary><>

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Hello Mary!

Good ole' Hobo's! Fresh cut veggies and potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil....mmmmm!!!
Plus if you have one of them pie makers, you can make hot sandwiches with it as well. Put the bread in like making a pie, but then add
some swiss and ham...mmmmmm!!!!
Also tryit for breakfast. Scramble some eggs, put your favorite cheeses and scrambled eggs in between the bread and wal-lah!!!!
Don't forget to fry up some fresh fish!!!!!

HAve fun, "Honey hole" and I are headin' up nort for a week on Kabby to chase some walldogs! This post came at a good time!!!

Keep the rods bendin'!!!
Jim W

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Jim W,

Hope you and Honeyhole have a great time and catch lots of fish. Yes with it being Labor Day weekend there are a lot of people heading out for the last time of the season for most of them. For me the best part of the camping and fishing year is just begining. I love Fall camping and fishing. Just yesterday after reading the other responses to this post I thought about the Hobo meals I use to make a lot when the kids were little. The Indain fry bread and the harty stews we would make over the fire. Yes I think I'm going to do a little more cooking over the fire this week. Hope my dutch oven is not to rusty from non use. I'm glad I posted this I was dreading the food and cooking part of this vaction before now I can't wait to have at it.

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mary! one veg dish i make (over a fire or grill) is take califlower,broccoli,mushrooms( canned work!),some onion, butter or margarine. salt and pepper and a touch of garlic, to taste. close foil and steam until tender. it's awsome! del

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That sounds like a good side dish for the new fish recipe I want to try. Have a Nice Labor Day weekend. This is the week that we will being going to the other Lakes in the area. Hopefully we'll find those Muskie's at French.
Thanks <><Mary><>

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