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Won't pick up a dry bird


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My 1 1/2 old lab will not pick up a duck if it is not in the water. If the duck is down in the water she will grab it and bring it back. But if the duck is down in the weeds or field she will find it and stand/sit/lie next it and sniff it. At least she finds them. She has no trouble with retrieving dummies that aren't in the water. I have tried to put a dry duck in her mouth and praising her, but she just growls and will not close her mouth around the duck. I thought if I bought a dummy that has feathers or put a duck wing on a dummy it might help with retrieving, but she won't pick those up either. Any suggestions on how to fix this?

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I am no expert on this, but have you tried letting a wet duck dry and using that as your dummy for her to fetch. Maybe you have already tried this, but I don't know of many dogs that don't like to play fetch. All the dogs that I have seen will retrieve anything that you through at it. If you haven't tried this yet, it might be worth a try.

Fish- N- Hunt

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grizwald, Take a duck or goose carcass and wrap it around a dummy,,
My springer hated waterfowl until I did this..
Now shell beat the pants out of a lot of labs I hunt with...(If I keep her warm and calm enough,,, **** springers always on the go)!!!!

But nothing smells as good then a smelly pheasant

Good Luck

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Not an expert on this either. My 11 month old lab wouldn't pick up a dry bird either. But, when I finally had a wounded bird hit the ground and start waddling away, she grabbed it and started bringing it back to me. She dropped it about half way and had to chase it again. She finally figured out that she had to bring it to my hand or her job would never be done. After that, every duck, dead or alive was delivered to hand. Good luck.

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