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Water dog


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I was going to be heading to the in-laws cabin this weekend for a little R&R with the pup for her first try at swimming. The only problem is that the pup (9 weeks old) next door to their cabin picked up an intestinal bateria from somewhere and I was curious if lake water is known to carry such stuff. I am sure it can but how resilient is a pup's immune system. My pup is 14 weeks old and has been healthy as can be. Any suggestions or cautions?

I want to get her in the water ASAP but not if it's going to get her sick.

Thanks much.

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My lab was in the lake the first time at about the same age as your pup, with no ill affects.

With that being said my lab also picked up a bacteria when she was about one. After taking her to the vet the vet did asked me if she had spent time in a lake over the weekend. Which she had at the in-laws. We could not rule out getting the bacteria from the lake but the same weekend my dog picked a chicken bone off the top of the in-laws garbage (this is where I think the bacteria came from).

Sunday evening after getting home from the in-laws she also got in to her food and over ate the same weekend. Between the bacteria and the over eating by the time I got home from work on Monday, lets just say the kitchen was a mess!

I would not worry so much about the lake but I would make sure the in-laws house is puppy proof.

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My pup got a bladder infection?? (urinated often) 2 times at ages 2 1/2 months and 4 months. Both times she had been around water just prior. The vet told me that their imune systems are not developed enough to deal with the lake water at this age??? That is what I was told and thought I would pass it on??

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Our lab pup is not quite four months old and maybe I should knock on wood but she has been in the lake most every day without any problems.
We live on a lake. That is since about Memorial Day or so when it warmed up a little.
She has also been finding plenty of goose and deer droppings to snack on and any other thing she can get in her mouth. Maybe that helps!!

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Sounds like maybe I got lucky with my lab not picking up a bacteria at such a young age. She sure spent a lot of time in the lakes when she was that age.

I will have to keep this in mind on the next pup in a couple of years.

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The only water to be really concerned about is the slow or stagnant stuff AND the beaver ponds. Giardia is big time in there from the snail activity. Also be careful of the Lyme ticks. Young dogs are not ready for the vaccination until 6 months old but I think you can put the topical tick stuff on them earlier to help protect them. Lyme's is a terrible thing for the young dog and owner to experience.

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Swamp Scooter what do you mean by not being ready for the vaccination until 6 months? The
reason I ask is that my vet gave our lab her
1st Lyme vac at 2 months 6 days and the 2nd
at 3 months 12 days. She is also on Frontline
Plus and Heartguard. Is this not normal?

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I have read, and forgot where, that the Lyme's should not be done until after 6 months old. I think it has something to do with the maturing immune system. I have not had a young dog for a couple of seasons so it has not been as issue. Glad it worked for you and maybe the vaccination has changed enough where it is OK. I will look in to it more and check it out. My young dog got Lyme's the first day in the field at about 5 months old. It took some time to get rid of but she recovered fully. That is why I caution and use the topical.

Thanks for your update.

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